Malware Devil

Sunday, January 31, 2021

BSidesSF 2020 – Ari Eitan’s ‘Mapping The Connections Inside Russia’s APT Ecosystem’

Many thanks to BSidesSF and Conference Speakers for publishing their outstanding presentations; of which, originally appeared at the organization’s BSidesSF 2020, and on the DEF CON YouTube channel. Additionally, the BSidesSF 2021 will take place on March 6 – 9, 2021 – with no cost to participate. Enjoy!


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Robert M. Lee’s & Jeff Haas’ Little Bobby Comics – ‘WEEK 314’

via the respected information security capabilities of Robert M. Lee & the superlative illustration talents of Jeff Haas at Little Bobby Comics

via the respected information security capabilities of Robert M. Lee & the superlative illustration talents of Jeff Haas at Little Bobby Comics


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BSidesSF 2020 – Byron Roosa’s ‘A Look At Jython-Enhanced Reverse Engineering With Ghidra’

Many thanks to BSidesSF and Conference Speakers for publishing their outstanding presentations; of which, originally appeared at the organization’s BSidesSF 2020, and on the DEF CON YouTube channel. Additionally, the BSidesSF 2021 will take place on March 6 – 9, 2021 – with no cost to participate. Enjoy!


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Weekly News Roundup — January 24 to January 30

Hello and welcome to Sec Soup, where the weekly newsletter has a collection of infosec links to Tools & Tips, Threat Research, and more! The focus trends toward DFIR and threat intelligence, but general information security and hacking-related topics are included as well. This list is not vetted nor intended to be an exhaustive source. Keeping up with the enormous volume of security-related information is a daunting task, but this is my way of filtering the most useful items and improving the signal to noise ratio. Happy Reading!

Industry Reports, News, and Miscellany

Threat Research 

Tools and Tips

Breaches, Government, and Law Enforcement 

Vulnerabilities and Exploits

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Practical Ways Older Adults Can Manage Their Security Online

Have you ever wanted to help your parents or an elderly friend or relative by providing an online resource that is both informative, offers practical tips and definitions about security, and is also easy to understand? I have, and the new book Senior Cyber by Scott and Craig Schober offers that helpful guide you’ve been..

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Wireshark 3.4.3 Released, (Sun, Jan 31st)

Wireshark version 3.4.3 was released.

For Windows users, Npcap 1.10 replaces version 1.00.


It has vulnerability and bug fixes, like a USB HID dissector crash & memory leak.


Didier Stevens

Senior handler
Microsoft MVP

(c) SANS Internet Storm Center. Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License. Read More

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YARA v4.0.4, (Sun, Jan 31st)

YARA version 4.0.4 was released (right after version 4.0.3).

These are bugfix versions for bugs in the dotnet and macho modules.

Didier Stevens
Senior handler
Microsoft MVP

(c) SANS Internet Storm Center. Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License. Read More

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New Data Proves Reagan Scuttled Iran Embassy Hostage Release — Harmed America to Win Election

An interesting new set of evidence shows an old controversial theory is turning out to be true: Ronald Reagan worked covertly to block American attempts to free their hostages in Iran, as a means to win the Presidency. A Jacobin magazine article writes up the core issue: [we don’t have a smoking gun for] Reagan … Continue reading New Data Proves Reagan Scuttled Iran Embassy Hostage Release — Harmed America to Win Election

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GnuPG crypto library can be pwned during decryption – patch now!

Many, if not most, Linux distros will be affected. Users of other operating systems should check for software that uses libgcrypt.
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Saturday, January 30, 2021

The Difference Between Apple and Facebook

People arguing that Facebook has a point (in suing Apple) are just more evidence of the problem in America. It’s like someone at Facebook packaged logical fallacies into bright colored candy and we all know how Americans do love their sugar. Stop saying slippery slope. it’s a fallacy Stop using tu quoque. it’s a fallacy … Continue reading The Difference Between Apple and Facebook

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BSidesSF 2020 – Jayson Grace’s ‘MOSE: Using Configuration Management For Evil’

Many thanks to BSidesSF and Conference Speakers for publishing their outstanding presentations; of which, originally appeared at the organization’s BSidesSF 2020, and on the DEF CON YouTube channel. Additionally, the BSidesSF 2021 will take place on March 6 – 9, 2021 – with no cost to participate. Enjoy!


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XKCD ‘Metacarcinization’

via the comic delivery system monikered Randall Munroe resident at XKCD !

via the comic delivery system monikered Randall Munroe resident at XKCD!


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Healthcare Ransomware Problem Is Getting Worse Recently

Ransomware attacks are one of the most prevalent cyber attacks on healthcare. It has been around for many years, however, it became a trend in 2016. Recently, there is a significant increase in the frequency and types of ransomware attacks being perpetrated.

Since 2019, even before Covid-19, healthcare providers became the primary target of ransomware attackers.

This is because healthcare providers are more likely to pay the ransom to prevent the attackers from stealing or leaking patients’ sensitive information such as the patients’ names, social security numbers, addresses, phone numbers, medical data, insurance details and so much more.

Covid-19 only made the vulnerability of the healthcare sector worse. Numerous healthcare providers had to lay off staff including IT and cyber security staff. There is more vulnerability and this is what these malicious criminals are leveraging. The consequences of ransomware attacks are dire for the healthcare industry. In addition to security issues that come with data breaches, it also leads to disruption of medical care. To prevent loss of life, healthcare providers, to a great percent tend to give in to the extortion requests of ransomware criminals.

For example, in June 2020, the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) School of Medicine paid its attackers $1.14 million. Ransomware attacks are so successful despite their tremendous danger and financial costs largely because of inadequate cyber security strategies on the part of healthcare providers. Cyber security strategies have to be developed and embraced to detect and prevent ransomware attacks. This cyber security strategy starts from understanding the life cycle of ransomware attacks.

In their 2019 study titled: A survey on situational awareness of ransomware attacks–detection and prevention parameters; Juan and his team presents the life cycle of ransomware attacks as follows:

Ransomware attacks start from ransomware design. This is where the ransomware developer creates a malware variant. After creating the malware variant the attacker distributes the malware to victims through spam email, phishing, and other infection vectors. Upon arrival, the malware activates. It discovers the host details and obtains a unique encryption key from a remote control server. Thereafter, the ransomware search process begins and it locates targeted file types.

After obtaining the targeted files, the encryption process begins. The original files will be deleted while the newly encrypted files will be renamed with a new file extension. At the end of the process, the ransom message typically displays the attacker’s instruction on how to pay the ransom amount.

The infection vectors are the most important aspect of a ransomware cyber security attack. If the infection vectors are locked, ransomware attacks will be dead. All possible infection vectors should be patched up including exploit kits, downloader, and Trojan botnets, social engineering tactics, and traffic distribution systems.

Researchers recommend that healthcare cyber security teams should patch up all the possible infection vectors by applying all the available patches. However, despite the availability of patches, surprisingly, some healthcare providers are yet to patch up their infection vectors.

In situations where patches have not yet been released, the OCR 2018 report suggests that IT departments should implement compensating controls to reduce the risk of identified security vulnerabilities to an acceptable level. The compensating controls include restricting network access and disabling network services or software components to protect vulnerabilities that could be exploited via network access (OCR, 2018).

Used with permission from Article Aggregator

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PacketSifter as Network Parsing and Telemetry Tool, (Sat, Jan 30th)

I saw PacketSifter[1], a new package on Github and figure I would give it a try to test its functionality. It is described as “PacketSifter is a tool/script that is designed to aid analysts in sifting through a packet capture (pcap) to find noteworthy traffic. Packetsifter accepts a pcap as an argument and outputs several files.” It is less than a month old, initial release 31 Dec 2020 and last update 22 days ago.

What I found interesting about this tool is the fact that is uses various tshark filters to parse the information into various types of statistics (conversations & endpoints) such as IP, TCP, HTTP presenting the data in a way that can easily understood and easily search the data using various regex tools. I use Elasticsearch to collect, parse and analyze my logs but I also see PacketSifte as an alternative to quickly summarize packet data.

The result of the dns.pcap was a list of malformed DNS packets and the http.pcap was all the web traffic saved into a single file.

One of the requirements for this tool is you need to have tshark installed. My test was done with the latest version of CentOS 7.

Download the Tool from Github which also contains the VirusTotal Setup File. Ensure the system meets the following requirements:

  • Tshark[2] installed
  • VirusTotal[4] API key
  • curl (to make web requests) and jq

$ git clone
$ cd packetsifterTool
$ chmod 555
$ sh

Note: This file only contains web and DNS traffic

$./ ../honeypot-2021-Jan-29-19-25-42.pcap

  • Would you like to resolve host names observed in pcap? This may take a long time depending on the pcap!!

<<Warning>> This can result in DNS queries for attacker infrastructure. Proceed with caution!!
(Please supply Y for yes or N for no) N

http.pcap contains all conversations containing port 80,8080,8000
Running as user “root” and group “root”. This could be dangerous.

  • Would you like to export HTTP objects? The objects will be outputted to a tarball in the current directory titled: httpObjects.tar.gz

<<Warning>> There could be a lot of HTTP objects and you can potentially extract malicious http objects depending on the pcap. Use with caution!!
(Please supply Y for yes or N for no) Y

  • Would you like to lookup exported HTTP objects using VirusTotal?

**Warning** You must have ran the script to initialize PacketSifter with your VirusTotal API Key.
(Please supply Y for yes or N for no) Y

################# SMB SIFTING #################

Stats on commands ran using smb or smb2 has been generated and is available in: SMBstatistics.txt

No SMB traffic found. Deleting arbitrary SMBstatistics.txt
smb.pcap contains all conversations categorized by tshark dissectors as NBSS, SMB, or SMB2
Running as user “root” and group “root”. This could be dangerous.

No SMB traffic found. Deleting arbitrary smb.pcap.

  • Would you like to export SMB objects? The objects will be outputted to a tarball in the current directory titled: smbObjects.tar.gz

<<Warning>> There could be a lot of SMB objects and you can potentially extract malicious SMB objects depending on the pcap. Use with caution!!
(Please supply Y for yes or N for no) N

################# DNS SIFTING #################

dns.pcap contains all conversations categorized by tshark dissectors as DNS
Running as user “root” and group “root”. This could be dangerous.

DNS A query/responses have been outputted to dnsARecords.txt
No DNS A records found. Deleting arbitrary dnsARecords.txt

DNS TXT query/responses have been outputted to dnsTXTRecords.txt. DNS TXT records can be used for nefarious reasons and should be glanced over for any abnormalities.
No DNS TXT records found. Deleting arbitrary dnsTXTRecords.txt

################# FTP SIFTING #################
ftp.pcap contains all conversations categorized by tshark dissectors as FTP
Running as user “root” and group “root”. This could be dangerous.
No FTP traffic found. Deleting arbitrary ftp.pcap

Packet sifting complete! Thanks for using the tool.

After the tool completed its analysis, a total of 7 files are generated by the script: 2 pcap and 5 text

[guy@moonbase packetsifterTool]$ ls -1 *.txt && ls -1 *.pcap

  • errors.txt
  • http_info.txt
  • IOstatistics.txt
  • IPstatistics.txt
  • TCPstatistics.txt
  • dns.pcap
  • http.pcap

The script is using tshark to provide various statistics such as:

  • HTTP/Packet Counter

  • HTTP/Requests
  • HTTP/Load Distribution

  • HTTP Responses by Server Address
  • TCP Endpoint Statistics
  • IP Endpoint Statistics

It extract all the web object into this file: httpObjects.tar.gz
$ tar zxvf httpObjects.tar.gz
$ cd httpObjects

This script is fast going through the pcap file, however, there is a warning for “Would you like to resolve host names observed in pcap?“. The first time I said yes and that basically stopped the script while it was trying to resolve hostnames and eventually cancelled the script and re-ran without it.

Overall, this script is easy to use and another tool that can easily be used for analysis of pcap traffic for web, DNS and SMB objects which I didn’t have in this file.

Happy hunting!


Guy Bruneau IPSS Inc.
My Handler Page
Twitter: GuyBruneau
gbruneau at isc dot sans dot edu

(c) SANS Internet Storm Center. Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License. Read More

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Parler Whack-a-Mole

(this is an unrolled Twitter thread converted to the blog since one never knows how long content will be preserved anywhere anymore) It looks like @StackPath (NetCDN[.]com redirects to them) is enabling insurrection-mongers. They’re fronting news[.]parler[.]com . It seems they (Parler) have a second domain dicecrm[.]com with the actual content, too. dicecrm[.]com is hosted in… Continue reading

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Wireshark 3.2.11 is now available which contains Bug Fixes –, (Sat, Jan 30th)

Guy Bruneau IPSS Inc.
My Handler Page
Twitter: GuyBruneau
gbruneau at isc dot sans dot edu

(c) SANS Internet Storm Center. Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License. Read More

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Cloud Security Startup Armo Emerges from Stealth with $4.5M

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Enterprise Vulnerabilities
From DHS/US-CERT’s National Vulnerability Database
PUBLISHED: 2021-01-29

CKEditor 5 is an open source rich text editor framework with a modular architecture. The CKEditor 5 Markdown plugin (@ckeditor/ckeditor5-markdown-gfm) before version 25.0.0 has a regex denial of service (ReDoS) vulnerability. The vulnerability allowed to abuse link recognition regular expression, wh…

PUBLISHED: 2021-01-29

An issue was discovered on D-Link DIR-825 R1 devices through 3.0.1 before 2020-11-20. A buffer overflow in the web interface allows attackers to achieve pre-authentication remote code execution.

PUBLISHED: 2021-01-29

Apache Druid includes the ability to execute user-provided JavaScript code embedded in various types of requests. This functionality is intended for use in high-trust environments, and is disabled by default. However, in Druid 0.20.0 and earlier, it is possible for an authenticated user to send a sp…

PUBLISHED: 2021-01-29

The Baseboard Management Controller(BMC) in HPE Cloudline CL5800 Gen9 Server; HPE Cloudline CL5200 Gen9 Server; HPE Cloudline CL4100 Gen10 Server; HPE Cloudline CL3100 Gen10 Server; HPE Cloudline CL5800 Gen10 Server BMC firmware has a local buffer overlfow in spx_restservice setradiusconfig_func fun…

PUBLISHED: 2021-01-29

The Baseboard Management Controller(BMC) in HPE Cloudline CL5800 Gen9 Server; HPE Cloudline CL5200 Gen9 Server; HPE Cloudline CL4100 Gen10 Server; HPE Cloudline CL3100 Gen10 Server; HPE Cloudline CL5800 Gen10 Server BMC firmware has a local buffer overlfow in spx_restservice setremoteimageinfo_func …

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FBI Encounters: Reporting an Insider Security Incident to the Feds

Most insider incidents don’t get reported to the FBI due to fear of debilitating business disruptions, public embarrassment, and screeching vans skidding into the parking lot to confiscate servers. But is that reality?

Despite stunning incident counts, many if not most insider threats remain unreported. Reasons vary but all bloom from the same stem: 6he victim company’s fear of being harmed again, either by the legal system or law enforcement. But are those fears real and justified, or are they spun from myths? Time to take a look at what actually happens after a company contacts the FBI, formally or informally.

The Scene …
“About three out of every four malicious insider incidents are handled internally, with no legal action or no law enforcement activity taken,” which means “these incidents are significantly underreported,” says Randy Trzeciak, director of the National Insider Threat Center, which is in the CERT division of the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.

Why do these incidents go unreported? Companies hesitate or decide not to report for several reasons, including fear they may be wrong about the person they suspect, and thus may be held liable. They may also fear significant business disruption during the FBI investigation, uncertainty over the nature of the threat, or who at the FBI to contact. But also because of “fear of negative reputational damage, fear of competitors knowing specifically that these incidents have occurred, and fear they are unable to prove through forensic evidence that an insider did something bad,” Trzeciak says.

Those fears are based on rational business concerns, but they are not foregone conclusions. Nor is avoidance the best path to mitigating any of the risks they fear.

It was a hard-won lesson in the U.S. versus Shan Shi case, wherein valuable trade secrets were stolen and sold to a Chinese company. While FBI Houston’s elite counterintelligence investigators worked for years to destroy Shi’s prolific network and to successfully bring him to justice, “we could have prevented some of the loss had the suspicious behavior been reported earlier,” Roman Rozhavsky, acting section chief of the FBI Counterintelligence Division, told Dark Reading.

How to Tell Houston We Have a Problem
“That’s why we do want contact even on suspicions,” says Rozhavsky. “We follow the rules on opening investigations, but suspicions are often enough for us to work to prevent a future threat or stop ongoing losses.”

While companies may greet this news with a sigh of relief once they realize they don’t have to compile mountains of elusive evidence before they can seek help, the crime reporting process itself may feel overwhelming and thus discourage follow-through.

But that fear, too, is more imagined than real. It turns out there are several ways to easily contact the FBI.

A good place to start is in building relationships with the FBI before trouble happens.

“Have informal conversations and build relationships with FBI agents, even if your company has no infosec section or department,” says Philip E. Frigm Jr., section chief of the FBI Cyber Division.

Companies that outsource infosec to MSSPs, or start-ups and small companies that rely on little more than security software, can establish relationships with the FBI and attend educational security meetings to increase their threat awareness and decisions too. In other words, the FBI is not just for big companies and big cases, although they handle those routinely, too.

Building rapport and establishing relationships between the private sector and the FBI helps the agency, too — primarily in adapting their investigation methods to meet evolving threats.

For those reasons and a few more, the Office of Private Sector (OPS), part of the FBI’s Intelligence Branch, came into being. The OPS “allows for one ‘FBI voice’ and connects private industry with whom they need to connect with — whatever the concern.” This means you can contact almost anyone in the FBI and that person will see to it that any concern you express gets to the right agents within the FBI. It also means you will have contact with the same FBI agent(s) and not have to talk to different people each time there is a concern or incident.

The FBI offers several programs as a means for establishing and maintaining relationships with the private sector that both educate and offer informal communication channels. Two key FBI programs that are well-known throughout the infosec community are InfraGard and Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC). Additional resources are available for businesses as well. One key example is iGuardian, a secure information portal for businesses to report cyber intrusion incidents in real time.

While an ongoing relationship ahead of problems is ideal, you don’t have to go that route. You can reach out to the local FBI field office, file a report online at, or simply call 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324).

“Any FBI contact can help direct you. But do converse with us as early as possible. If you wait to tell us about an incident that happened six months ago, we may not be able to get all of the evidence we need or to put the steps in place that may have helped you much sooner,” says Frigm.

Two Can Keep a Secret If One of Them Is from the FBI
Once contact is made, what happens next? Will FBI vans swarm in and take computers, hard drives, and other hardware and software as evidence? Will business come to a screeching or crawling halt during the investigation?

How the FBI responds depends a great deal on the specific circumstances. But in general, “we like to keep our footprint very small. One FBI guy in a regular suit might come in to talk to someone at your company in the boardroom, for example,” Frigm explains. “But we can also meet somewhere else, over coffee maybe.”

You might want to ask your attorney to join the FBI meeting too — but probably not for the reasons you think.

“Legal counsel is desirable for several reasons. For one, bringing them up to speed afterward on our evidence collection delays progress. It’s better to include legal counsel early on rather than repeat everything again later,” Frigm says. “But also, given data privacy laws, you may not have the authority to give us consent — and you may not know that, but your lawyer will. It’s imperative that we collect the evidence according to the rules.”

Having legal counsel present isn’t perceived as an obstacle or a confrontation. “I’ve never encountered a situation that legal counsel wasn’t helpful,” he adds.

“I agree,” says Rozhavsky. “It saves a lot of time.”

So … Now the Screeching Vans?
Once the legalities are dealt with, evidence collection begins. So, do the FBI vans come skidding into the parking lot now? Do FBI agents in jackets with loud neon letters start hauling out company hardware?

“Evidence is collected in the least disruptive way possible. Often, much of the activity tracking and evidence collecting can be done remotely, but if we must collect evidence on site we’ll do so quietly,” Rozhavsky says.

The dedication to drawing zero attention to themselves and their work is not just a matter of courtesy, but of stealth and strategy.

“Insiders do have some legitimacy in accessing company information, so to some extent they are supposed to work with the information. We have to be careful not to tip the bad guy off while we’re investigating,” Frigm says.

And what should you expect once the investigation quickens towards an outcome?

“There will likely be more conversations, but with fewer people,” according to Frigm.

In the end, hopefully a crime is prevented or halted in progress. If not, a criminal is hopefully brought to justice in the courts. In either case, the FBI has likely gone home as quietly as they came.

A prolific writer and analyst, Pam Baker’s published work appears in many leading publications. She’s also the author of several books, the most recent of which is “Data Divination: Big Data Strategies.” Baker is also a popular speaker at technology conferences and a member … View Full Bio

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Ransomware Payoffs Surge by 311% to Nearly $350 Million

Payments to ransomware gangs using cryptocurrency more than quadrupled in 2020, with less than 200 cryptocurrency wallets receiving 80% of funds.

Ransomware payments using cryptocurrency surged 311% in 2020, nearing a total volume of $350 million, as cybercriminals gravitated to crypto-locking as the easiest way to turn compromised systems into cash, blockchain analysis company Chainalysis stated in an analysis this week.

While ransomware payments through cryptocurrencies are skyrocketing, cybercrime overall is accounting for less volume of digital currency transactions, the company stated. Cybercrime transactions using cryptocoins dropped by more than half to $10 billion, but because overall cryptocurrency transaction volume increased, the share of cybercrime dropped even more precipitously to account for only 0.34% of all cryptocurrency transactions in 2020, down from more than 2% in 2019.

The data demonstrates that, while ransomware has become a greater problem, cryptocurrency continues to expand its markets, says Kim Grauer, head of research at Chainalysis.

“Cryptocurrency has a reputation as being driven by cybercrime, speculation and tax-avoidance strategies,” she says. “But it’s increasingly being used as a store of value both in developed markets where asset managers are entering the space and in emerging markets.”

The use of a cryptocurrency money-laundering scheme known as mixing has declined since a spike in the third quarter of 2019, according to Chainalysis data. In the final quarter of 2020, more than 90% of funds leaving ransomware wallets were destined for a cryptocurrency exchange, about half of which were designated “high risk” by Chainalysis. Often, different ransomware groups and strains use the same

“We can find connections between ransomware strains by examining common deposit addresses to which wallets associated with different strains send funds,” Chainalysis stated in its analysis. “We believe that most of the cases of deposit address overlap represent usage of common money laundering services by different ransomware strains.”

While public reports have focused on the Maze Team — which appears to have shut down in November 2020 — and Egregor, which appears to have replaced Maze, Chainalysis found that the well-known Ryuk malware appears to be the most prolific ransomware threat to companies, both in the number of ransoms paid and the total profit. Three strains of ransomware — Ryuk, Maze, and Doppelpaymer — accounted for more than half of all the known ransom payments.

However, the company cautioned against drawing too many conclusions, as many strains of ransomware are used to enable ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) offerings. In other words, different cybercriminals groups may be using the same, or a collection, of ransomware.

“Many RaaS affiliates migrate between strains, suggesting that the ransomware ecosystem is smaller than one might think at first glance,” the company stated in the report. “In addition, many cybersecurity researchers believe that some of the biggest strains may even have the same creators and administrators, who publicly shutter operations before simply releasing a different, very similar strain under a new name.”

A key component of the ransomware ecosystem is the ability to launder the money paid by victims to foil law enforcement efforts to track funds. While ransomware demands often use one-time wallets for payments, most funds track back to a limited number of accounts. In fact, 199 deposit addresses account for 80% of the monetary value of ransomware, Chainalysis stated. These are deposit addresses are hosted on exchanges, and often amount to an over-the-counter brokerage or other nested service, says Grauer.

“Mixers are still being used by criminals, but right now we are seeing large, organized criminal groups using laundering infrastructure that is based out of a few exchanges, such as OTC brokers who often specialize in laundering illicit funds,” says Grauer.

Law enforcement could target the relatively low number of deposit addresses as a way to disrupt ransomware schemes. Chainalysis found that 25 deposit addresses accounted for 46% of all funds, and nine of those addresses were primarily used for ransomware payments.

“These services are incentivized to maintain their deposit addresses in the same way a brick-and-mortar business might not want to move locations. They’d have to tell their customers they are moving,” Grauer says. “We don’t know for sure how many total groups are out there, but the fewer deposit addresses that need to be shut down to impact the current money laundering infrastructure, the better for investigation and compliance purposes.”

Cryptocurrency markets are rife with speculation, but cryptocurrencies known as stablecoin, which are backed by assets–most often, US dollars, are growing in popularity in an attempt to shake off the volatility in the pure cryptocurrency markets. Stablecoins can be a hedge for international investors, but also have increased value for money laundering and tax avoidance. In December, US financial regulators warned that stablecoins posed significant financial and regulatory risks.

Veteran technology journalist of more than 20 years. Former research engineer. Written for more than two dozen publications, including CNET, Dark Reading, MIT’s Technology Review, Popular Science, and Wired News. Five awards for journalism, including Best Deadline … View Full Bio

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The Taxman Cometh for ID Theft Victims

The unprecedented volume of unemployment insurance fraud witnessed in 2020 hasn’t abated, although news coverage of the issue has largely been pushed off the front pages by other events. But the ID theft problem is coming to the fore once again: Countless Americans will soon be receiving notices from state regulators saying they owe thousands of dollars in taxes on benefits they never received last year.

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Barbary Pirates and Russian Cybercrime

In 1801, the United States had a small Navy. Thomas Jefferson deployed almost half that Navy—three frigates and a schooner—to the Barbary C...