Malware Devil

Monday, September 14, 2020

Network Security News Summary for Monday September 14 2020

A brief daily summary of what is important in cybersecurity. The podcast is published every weekday and designed to get you ready for the day with a brief, usually about 5 minutes long, summary of current network security-related events. The content is late breaking, educational and based on listener input as well as on input received by the SANS Internet Storm Center. You may submit questions and comments via our contact form at .

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Why Are Some Cybersecurity Professionals Not Finding Jobs?

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Lohrmann on Cybersecurity authored by Lohrmann on Cybersecurity. Read the original post at:

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Sunday, September 13, 2020

DEF CON 28 Safe Mode Red Team Village – Kaustubh’s ‘Offensive Embedded Exploitation’

Many thanks to DEF CON and Conference Speakers for publishing their comprehensive and outstanding presentations; of which, originally appeared at the organization’s DEFCON 28 SAFE MODE Conference, and on the DEF CON YouTube channel. Enjoy!


The post DEF CON 28 Safe Mode Red Team Village – Kaustubh’s ‘Offensive Embedded Exploitation’ appeared first on Security Boulevard.

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NZX Hacked Multiple Times – What’s the Matter?

NZX was hit by five volumetric DDoS attacks over the course of a week, resulting in the crash of its website and halting operations during the first two attacks.
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Robert M. Lee’s & Jeff Haas’ Little Bobby Comics – ‘WEEK 294’

via   the respected information security capabilities of  Robert M. Lee   & the superlative illustration talents of  Jeff Haas  at  Little Bobby Comics .

via the respected information security capabilities of Robert M. Lee & the superlative illustration talents of Jeff Haas at Little Bobby Comics.


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Can you use more than one antivirus?

Can you use more than one antivirus? Should you use more than one antivirus? Is it a good idea to layer multiple security programs? We put it to the test by running three antivirus programs on one system.

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DEF CON 28 Safe Mode Red Team Village – Petros Koutrompis’ ‘OU Having A Laugh?’

Many thanks to DEF CON and Conference Speakers for publishing their comprehensive and outstanding presentations; of which, originally appeared at the organization’s DEFCON 28 SAFE MODE Conference, and on the DEF CON YouTube channel. Enjoy!


The post DEF CON 28 Safe Mode Red Team Village – Petros Koutrompis’ ‘OU Having A Laugh?’ appeared first on Security Boulevard.

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Quick Post: Analysis of a BokBot (IcedID) Maldoc


BokBot is a modular banking trojan that possesses a robust capability for credential theft, wire fraud, and more. In this blog, we will take a quick look at a recent BokBot maldoc in order to gain some insights into the operator’s TTPs along with hopefully learning a few things about Microsoft’s VBA, which appears to be an endless rabbit hole of interesting functionality. I hope this information will help other researchers and responders in their efforts to combat this threat.

BokBot Overview

The BokBot malware was first discovered around 2017. It appears to be generally used as a secondary malware payload for other eCrime actors. The malware is operated by the Threat Group tracked as Lunar Spider by our friends with the sweet artwork. BokBot is often delivered as a secondary payload by for other eCrime actors such as Mummy Spider‘s Emotet or Wizard Spider‘s Trickbot. Despite this convention, BokBot has also been delivered as an initial payload in recent months, particularly when Lunar Spider did not have access to the Emotet spamming capability., BokBot is a modular framework that has the capability to download additional plugins to facilitate bank infostealing via web injects and performing man-in-the-middle attacks via proxy capabilities.


The recent BokBot campaigns observed in the wild, have all been delivered via zipped email attachments that are password protected. The ZIP archive contains a Microsoft Word document that is weaponized with macros. The password is provided in the body of the email. This tactic serves a dual purpose for the threat actor as it enables some basic sandbox evasion, but also supports the social engineering pretext by building trust with the intended victim and appearing more secure.

Many analysts are likely to have access to the original email and thus can easily recover the password. However, in some cases analysts may encounter scenarios where they obtain the ZIP archive containing the maldoc, but do not have access to the email for a variety of reasons whether due to privacy limitations or simply sourcing issues from an online repository or similar. I found myself in this same situation when investigating BokBot samples: I had obtained the ZIP file , but I did not have access to the original email. Ultimately, my solution to this problem was to write a Python script that would crack the ZIP archives via a dictionary-based brute force methodology.

Cracking the ZIP Archive

The passwords for all recent BokBot campaigns have been consistent, comprised of a 5 character string. This string is composed of 3 leading integers, followed by 2 uppercase letters. The brute force portion of the cracking procedure necessitated the creation of a dictionary, which I accomplished by using a combination of Python with a Regular Expression to write out to a file.

#password generator
import exrex
password = list(exrex.generate('[0-9]{3}[A-Z]{2}'))
for i in range(len(password)):
                print (password[i])

A user could conceivably modify this regex for any purpose, indeed, I added a few additional iterations to the password file that takes into account some common passwords used for ZIP archives delivering Dridex, Ursnif, and more.

The actual Python cracking script is pretty straightforward and simply accepts 2 arguments: the ZIP archive to crack and the passwords.txt file. Usage is simple and there is only 1 dependency (pyzipper), but needs Python3. More details for installation and usage are here on my github:

Example of usage:

script usage and output

The script will provide the password it identified and also output the time elapsed. This example here was on a Windows box, but my experience has been about 15x faster on Mac or Linux systems for some reason. YMMV.

The Maldoc

The ZIP archive contains a Word document that has been weaponized with VBA macros. If you are following along at home, the document can be found here:

  • filename: inquiry 09.20.doc
  • SHA256: e67d1fa25e2b18fdf298eb28a377a3b8d550b4e8e746c6829e934cf050f1e403

The document appears as the typical “green” template which has been commonly associated with recent campaigns.

Green template with macro prompt

Perhaps the fact that the document is built in the Russian language would be a tip off to users, but this really may not be an obvious red flag to many users who are not trained to be on the lookout for such things.

Anyways, Stepping into the built in VBA editor in Word, we can clearly see 3 modules that contain the VBA code that will kick off the execution chain. The actors here have not been super sneaky as others who embed the malicious code in a bewildering rabbit whole of user forms and/or objects. The VBA is obviously obfuscated, but on the whole, it is not difficult to identify the code’s location.

just 3 ordinary modules

The only other notable feature (and possibly the most intriguing) of this document is a very important string that is hidden within a Shapes object on the template page. Specifically, the document image is tagged with “Alt Text” that contains the full URL that is hosting the core BokBot loader binary.

Hidden payload URL as Alt Text

The CAB file that is staged at this external URL is the BokBot loader that will begin the infection process. More on this later. If you are on the frontlines in the SOC you could probably just stop here and push your alert for this tasty IOC you just found.


De-Obfuscating the Macro

The onerous part of decoding the macros here can certainly be accomplished (and expedited) with an automated tool such as or vipermonkey, but as careful readers may know, I prefer to get my hands dirty and take a peek under the hood and see what is going on for myself. By dumping out the text from the 3 document modules identified in the previous section, we have a block of code that is roughly 347 lines of mostly junk. I won’t bother to provide the full text here for that reason, but the following should give the reader a general sense:

look for “Sub AutoOpen()”

The entry point for any VBA analysis should start with identifying the “Sub AutoOpen()” function. This is the code that will immediately execute when a user opens the document and succumbs to the social engineering tactic to enable macros. This function typically provides the most fruitful code chunks or at least provides a juicy pivot point for further analysis. The reader should see that most of this code is useless and can just be removed for ease of analysis. By removing the most obvious junk, we can arrive at a manageable 60 lines of code.

junk removed

This macro looks a little messy, but honestly, the obfuscation here is not nearly as complicated as many other eCrime variants delivered by other Spiders. The main tactic here is simple variable assignment/substitution and a kinda tricky way to attempt the download of the BokBot payload with an XML HTTP client. Here I have the rest of the cleaned up code:

basic macro functionality

So this still may be a little confusing, but this is definitely a job for my trusty red marker arrows.

if everything is an arrow is there any meaning left……?

We can break this up into chunks of the various VBA features being leveraged. One interesting note that seems to be consistent with recent BokBot campaigns is that operators eschew the usage of PowerShell which has become so ubiquitous with other eCrime malspam campaigns. This is likely an attempt at evasion although you should also have detections in place for word.exe spawning a child process of regsvr32.exe which is a big no no too.

via Gfycat

Anyways, taking this from the top, we see a shell established via the Windows scripting host immediately on document open. This command shell is then used to open the XML HTTP client, which takes the URL from the Shapes.Title property of the object in the template page. Finally we get a Split function on the “1111111111” delimiter that separates the payload URL from the “regsvr32” command to complete the initial downloader execution chain. Ultimately, the script downloads and writes the payload to “c:programdatacb54e.hello”, but do not be followed by this extension, the .hello file is actually a DLL and is the BokBot loader, which will handle the rest of the infection.


Anyways, that’s it, my take on a quick analysis of a recent BokBot maldoc. These campaigns have become prevalent in recent months and it is always worthwhile to take a look at adversary TTPs. I hope this information will be helpful to investigators that may be looking to extract IOCs and better understand that BokBot threat. I hope we have a least learned a some interesting tidbits regarding VBA functionality and how it can be leveraged for nefarious purposes.


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Cliché: Security through obscurity (yet again)

Infosec is a largely non-technical field. People learn a topic only as far as they need to regurgitate the right answer on a certification test. Over time, they start to believe misconceptions about that topic that they never learned. Eventually, these misconceptions displace the original concept in the community.

A good demonstration is this discussion of the “security through obscurity fallacy”. The top rated comment makes the claim this fallacy means “if your only security is obscurity, it’s bad”. Wikipedia substantiates this, claiming experts advise that “obscurity should never be the only security mechanism”.

Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. It’s the very opposite of what you suppose to understand. Obscurity has problems, always, even if it’s just an additional layer in your “defense in depth”. The entire point of the fallacy is to counteract people’s instinct to suppress information. The effort has failed. Instead, people have persevered in believing that obscurity is good, and that this entire conversation is only about specific types of obscurity being bad.

Hypothetical: non-standard SSH

The above discussion mentions running SSH on a non-standard port, such as 7837 instead of 22, as a hypothetical example.

Let’s continue this hypothetical. You do this. Then an 0day is discovered, and a worm infecting SSH spreads throughout the Internet. This is exactly the sort of thing you were protecting against with your obscurity.

Yet, the outcome isn’t what you expect. Instead, you find that the all your systems running SSH on the standard port of 22 remain uninfected, and that the only infections were of systems running SSH on port 7837. How could this happen?

The (hypothetical) reason is that your organization immediately put a filter for port 22 on the firewalls, scanned the network for all SSH servers, and patched the ones they found. At the same time, the worm runs automated Shodan scripts and masscan, and thus was able to nearly instantaneously discover the non-standard ports.

Thus you cleverness made things worse, not better.

Other phrases

This fallacy has become such a cliche that we should no longer use it. Let’s use other phrases to communicate the concept. These phrases would be:

  • attackers can discover obscured details far better than you think, meaning, obscurity is not as beneficial as you think
  • defenders are hindered by obscured details, meaning, there’s a greater cost to obscurity than you think
  • we can build secure things that don’t depend upon obscurity
  • it’s bad to suppress information that you think would help attackers
  • just because there’s “obscurity” involved doesn’t mean this principle can be invoked
Obscurity less beneficial, more harmful than you think

My hypothetical SSH example demonstrates the first two points. Your instinct is to believe that adding obscurity made life harder for the attackers, and that it had no impact on defenders. The reality is that hackers were far better than you anticipated at finding unusual ports. And at the same time, you underestimated how this would impact defenders.
It’s true that hiding SSH ports might help. I’m just showing an overly negative hypothetical result to counteract your overly positive result. A robust cost-vs-benefit analysis might show that there is in fact a benefit. But in this case, no such robust argument exists — people are just in love with obscurity. Maybe hiding SSH on non-standard ports is actually good, it’s just that nobody has made an adequate argument for it. Lots of people love the idea, however.
We can secure things

The first two points are themselves based upon a more important idea: we can build secure things. SSH is a secure thing.
The reason people love obscurity is because they have no faith in security. They believe that all security can be broken, and therefore, every little extra bit you can layer on top will help.
In our hypothetical above, SSH is seen as something that will eventually fail due to misconfiguration or an exploitable vulnerability. Thus, adding obscurity helps.
There may be some truth to this, but your solution should be to address this problem specifically. For example, every CISO needs to have an automated script that will cause all the alarms in their home (and mobile) to go off when an SSH CVE happens. Sensitive servers need to have canary accounts that will trigger alarms if they ever get compromised. Planning for an SSH failure is good planning.
But not planning for SSH failure, and instead just doing a bunch of handwaving obscuring things, is a bad strategy.
The fact is that we can rely upon SSH and should rely upon SSH. Yes, an 0day might happen, but that, too, should be addressed with known effective solutions, such as tracking CVEs and vulnerability management, not vague things like adding obscurity.
Transparency good, suppression bad

The real point of this discussion isn’t “obscurity” at all, but “transparency”. Transparency is good. And it’s good for security for exactly the same reason it’s good in other areas, such as transparency in government so we can hold politicians accountable. Only through transparency can we improve security.
That was the point of Kerckhoffs’s principle from the 1880s til today: the only trustworthy crypto algorithms are open, public algorithms. Private algorithms are insecure.
It’s the point behind the full-disclosure debate. Companies like Google who fully disclose in 90 days are trustworthy, companies like Oracle who work hard to suppress vuln information are untrustworthy. Companies who give bounties to vuln researchers to publish bugs are trustworthy, those who sue or arrest researchers are untrustworthy.
It’s where security snake oil comes from. Our industry is rife with those who say “trust us … but we can’t reveal details because that would help hackers”. We know this statement to be categorically false. If their system were security, then transparency would not help hackers. QED: hiding details means the system is fundamentally insecure.
It’s like when an organization claims to store passwords security, but refuses to tell you the algorithm, because that would reveal information hackers could use. We know this to be false, because if passwords were actually stored securely, knowing the algorithm wouldn’t help hackers.
Instead of saying the “security through obscurity fallacy” we should instead talk about the “security through suppression fallacy”, or simply say “security comes from transparency”.
This doesn’t apply to all obscurity

This leads to my last point: that just because “obscurity” is happening doesn’t mean we can automatically apply this concept.
Closed-source code is a good example. Why won’t they company share their source code? If they say “because it helps hackers”, then that’s a clear violation of this principle. If they say “because trade secrets”, then it’s not a violation of this principle. They aren’t saying obscurity is needed for security, they are saying obscurity is needed because they don’t want people copying their ideas.
We can still say that the security of closed-source is worse than open-source, because it usually is. The issues are clearly related. It’s simply that the vendor isn’t, in this hypothetical, violating the fallacy by claiming closed-source means their code is more secure.
The same is true in the blogpost above of adding decoy cars to a presidential motorcade. I guess you could use the word “obscurity” here, but it has nothing to do with our principle under discussion. For one thing, presidential motorcades are inherently insecure — this isn’t a crypto algorithm or service like SSH that can be trusted, it’s a real crap system that is inherently insecure. Maybe handwaving with half-assed solutions, like varying travel routes, cellphone jammers to block IEDs, using decoy cars, is the on the whole the best compromise for a bad situation.

The point of this blogpost is unwinding misconceptions. A couple years from now, I’m likely to write yet another blogpost on this subject, as I discover yet new misconceptions people have developed. I’m rather shocked at this new notion that everyone suddenly believes, that “obscurity” is bad as the only control, but good when added as a layer in a defense-in-depth situation. No, no, no, no … just no.
These misconceptions happen for good reasons. One of which is that we sometimes forget our underlying assumptions, and that people might not share these assumptions.
For example, when we look at Kerckhoffs’ Principle from the 1880s, the underlying assumption is that we can have a crypto algorithm that works, like AES or Salsa20, that can’t be broken. Therefore, adding obscurity on top of this adds no security. But when that assumption fails, such as a presidential motorcade that’s always inherently insecure (just lob a missile at them), then the argument no longer applies.
When teaching this principle, the problem we have is that a lot of people, especially students new to the field, are working from the assumption that everything is broken and that no security can be relied upon. Thus, adding layers of obscurity always seems like a good idea.
Thus, when I say that “security through obscurity is bad”, I’m really using this cliche to express some underlying idea. Am I talking about my political ideas of full-disclosure or open-source? Am I talking about vendor snake-oil? Am I talking about dealing with newbies who prefer unnecessary and ineffective solutions over ones proven to work? It’s hard to tell.
The original discussion linked on Hacker News, though, discussed none of these things. Going through the top ranked responses seemed list a list of people who just heard about the thing yesterday and wanted to give their uninformed hot take on what they think these words mean.

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Saturday, September 12, 2020

TeamTNT Abuses Weave Scope Tool to Target Cloud Infrastructure

Using a legitimate tool called Weave Scope, TeamTNT group is establishing fileless backdoors on targeted Docker and Kubernetes clusters in an attempt to control the underlying infrastructure.
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DEF CON 28 Safe Mode Red Team Village – Travis Palmer’s ‘Passwd Cracking Beyond 15 Chars, Under $500’

Many thanks to DEF CON and Conference Speakers for publishing their comprehensive and outstanding presentations; of which, originally appeared at the organization’s DEFCON 28 SAFE MODE Conference, and on the DEF CON YouTube channel. Enjoy!


The post DEF CON 28 Safe Mode Red Team Village – Travis Palmer’s ‘Passwd Cracking Beyond 15 Chars, Under $500’ appeared first on Security Boulevard.

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Postal Service left vulnerable IT applications unaddressed for years, inspector general finds

Officials at the U.S. Postal Service let multiple vulnerable applications languish on the agency’s IT network for years — flaws that could have been exploited by hackers to steal sensitive data.
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DEF CON 28 Safe Mode Red Team Village – Mathy Vanhoef’s, Christina Pöpper’s & Prasant Adhikari’s ‘Protecting WiFi Beacons From Outside Forgeries’

Many thanks to DEF CON and Conference Speakers for publishing their comprehensive and outstanding presentations; of which, originally appeared at the organization’s DEFCON 28 SAFE MODE Conference, and on the DEF CON YouTube channel. Enjoy!


The post DEF CON 28 Safe Mode Red Team Village – Mathy Vanhoef’s, Christina Pöpper’s & Prasant Adhikari’s ‘Protecting WiFi Beacons From Outside Forgeries’ appeared first on Security Boulevard.

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Weekly News Roundup — September 6 to September 12

Hello and welcome to Sec Soup, where the weekly newsletter has a collection of infosec links to Tools & Tips, Threat Research, and more! The focus trends toward DFIR and threat intelligence, but general information security and hacking-related topics are included as well. This list is not vetted nor intended to be an exhaustive source. Keeping up with the enormous volume of security-related information is a daunting task, but this is my way of filtering the most useful items and improving the signal to noise ratio. Happy Reading!

Industry Reports, News, and Miscellany

Threat Research 

Tools and Tips

Breaches, Government, and Law Enforcement 

Vulnerabilities and Exploits

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User Management for Linux Mint

We love the value the Linux Mint OS delivers to end users. Here’s how to centrally manage those users and their machines as an IT admin.

The post User Management for Linux Mint appeared first on JumpCloud.

The post User Management for Linux Mint appeared first on Security Boulevard.

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Some NAS Devices Are Being Exploited By Remote Hackers

Do you have any network-attached storage (NAS) devices attached to your home or corporate network? If so, be advised that they’ve become the new favorite inroad for hackers around the world. According to a report recently published by researchers at 360 Netlab, hacking groups are increasingly exploiting weaknesses in some NAS devices running a variety of QNAP firmware versions that suffer from command injection vulnerabilities.

The good news is that this vulnerability has already been addressed by QNAP with their release of firmware version 4.3.3. The better news is that the company addressed this back in July of 2017.

Unfortunately, not many people are good about keeping their firmware up to date, so you may have one or more vulnerable devices and not even realize it. Both QNAP and the researchers at 360 Netlab recommend checking the version number of the firmware you’re using, and upgrading immediately if you are at risk.

If you’re looking for additional technical details about what caused the problem and how it was addressed, see below.

QNAP had this to say about version 4.3.3 of their firmware:

“This release replaced the system function with qnap_exec, and the qnap_exec function is defined in the /usr/lib/,” 360 Netlab said. By using the execv to execute custom command, command injection has been avoided.”

Sadly, this isn’t the first time QNAP has been the target of hackers. In fact, there’s an ongoing ransomware campaign that utilizes eChoraix ransomware to encrypt NAS devices. Just last month, the US’s CISA and the UK’s NCSC issued a joint malware alert about a malware strain called QSnatch that also targets QNAP NAS devices.

In any event, although this issue has long been resolved, it’s clear that there are a great number of vulnerable devices out there, both on home and office networks. Kudos to 360 Netlab for shining a light on them, and to QNAP for moving swiftly to correct the issue.

Used with permission from Article Aggregator

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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Zeppelin Ransomware Returns with New Trojan on Board

Zeppelin ransomware has sailed back into relevance, after a hiatus of several months. A wave of attacks were spotted in August by Juniper Threatlab researchers, making use of a new trojan downloader.
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New BLURtooth Vulnerability Allows Attackers to Overwrite Authentication Keys

All devices using the Bluetooth standard 4.0 through 5.0 are vulnerable. Patches not immediately available.
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Recent Dridex activity, (Thu, Sep 10th)


For the past month or so, I hadn’t had any luck finding active malspam campaigns pushing Dridex malware. That changed starting this week, and I’ve since found several examples. Today’s diary reviews an infection from Wednesday September 9th, 2020.

The Word documents

While searching VirusTotal, I found three documents with the same template that generated the same type of traffic (read: SHA256 hash – name):

Shown above:  Screenshot with template used by all three of the above listed Word documents.

My lab environment revealed these documents are designed to infect a vulnerable Windows host with Dridex.

Enabling macros caused Powershell to retrieve a DLL file from one of the following URLs over encrypted HTTPS traffic:


After the DLL was saved under the victim’s profile, it was run using rundll32.exe.  The DLL is an installer for Dridex, and it was run using the following command:

"C:Windowssystem32rundll32.exe" C:Users[username]Mqfzqp8Opzvzn2Qzpic6r.dll 0

Shown above:  Location of the initial DLL to install Dridex on an infected Windows host.

Dridex infection traffic

Dridex post-infection traffic is all HTTPS. In this case, we saw HTTPS traffic over the following IP addresses and ports:

67.213.75[.]205 port 443
54.39.34[.]26 port 453

Shown above:  Traffic from the Dridex infection filtered in Wireshark.

Most of the Dridex post-infection traffic I’ve seen uses IP addresses without domain names, and issuer data for the SSL/TLS certificates is somewhat unusual.  Certificate issuer data for the Dridex post-infection traffic:


id-at-organizationName=Wageng Unltd.


id-at-stateOrProvinceName=Sheso thanthefo
id-at-organizationName=Thedelor Tbrra SICAV
id-at-organizationalUnitName=5Coiesily Begtherdr istwarscon

Shown above:  Certificate issuer data for HTTPS traffic to 67.213.75[.]205 over TCP port 443 found in Wireshark.

Shown above:  Certificate issuer data for HTTPS traffic to 54.39.34[.]26 over TCP port 453 found in Wireshark.

Dridex persistent on an infected Windows host

Dridex is made persistent on an infected Windows host using 3 methods simultaneously:

  • Windows registry update
  • Scheduled task
  • Windows startup menu shortcut

Dridex uses copies of legitimate Windows system files (EXEs) to load and run malware.  Dridex DLL files are named as DLLs that would normally be run by these copied system EXEs.

For this infection, all of the persistent Dridex DLL files were 64-bit DLL files.


- Registry Key: HKCUSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun
- Value name: Vwqmkqmr
- Value type: REG_SZ
- Value data: C:Users[username]AppDataRoamingThunderbirdProfiles1ovarfyl.default-release

NOTE: DWWIN.EXE loads and runs a Dridex DLL file named VERSION.dll in the same directory.

Shown above:  Windows registry update used to keep Dridex persistent on an infected host.

Shown above:  Legitimate EXE called by registry update, and Dridex DLL in the same directory.


- Task name: Qgdopf
- Action: Start a program
- Details: C:Users[username]AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsAccessories

NOTE: DmNotificationBroker.exe loads and runs a Dridex DLL file named DUI70.dll in the same directory.

Shown above:  Scheduled task on the same infected Windows host also used to keep Dridex persistent.

Shown above:  Legitimate EXE called by scheduled task, and Dridex DLL in the same directory.


Shortcut: C:Users[username]AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuSomdjvzvjfch.lnk
Target: C:Users[username]AppDataRoamingMozillaExtensionsr0Fmsinfo32.exe

NOTE: msinfo32.exe loads and runs a Dridex DLL file named MFC42u.dll in the same directory.

Shown above:  Windows start menu shortcut also used to keep Dridex persistent on the same infected Windows host.

Shown above:  Legitimate EXE called by start menu shortcut, and Dridex DLL in the same directory.

Indicators of Compromise (IOCs)

Three examples of Microsoft Word documents with macros for Dridex:

SHA256 hash: fee5bb973112d58445d9e267e0ceea137d9cc1fb8a7140cf9a67472c9499a30f

  • File size: 136,262 bytes
  • File name: Info-3948683568.doc

SHA256 hash: 9b747e89874c0b080cf78ed61a1ccbd9c86045dc61b433116461e3e81eee1348

  • File size: 136,182 bytes
  • File name: Inform-34674869.doc

SHA256 hash: 27379612c139d3c4a0c6614ea51d49f2495213c867574354d7851a86fdec2428

  • File size: 135,053 bytes
  • File name: Rep-Sept2020.doc

Installer DLL for Dridex called by Word macro:

SHA256 hash: 790b0d9e2b17f637c3e03e410aa22d16eccfefd28d74b226a293c9696edb60ad

  • File size: 331,776 bytes
  • File location: hxxps://thecandidtales[.]com/
  • File location: C:Users[username]MqFZqp8OpZVzn2Qzpic6r.dll
  • Run method: rundll32.exe [file name] 0

Dridex 64-bit DLL files persistent on the infected Windows host:

SHA256 hash: fd8049d573c056b92960ba7b0949d9f3a97416d333fa602ce683ef822986ad58

  • File size: 1,580,032 bytes
  • File location: C:Users[username]AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsAccessoriespFtxbOGXwrDUI70.dll
  • Run method: Loaded and run by legitimate system file DmNotificationBroker.exe in the same directory
  • Note: Made persistent through scheduled task

SHA256 hash: 719a8634a16beb77e6d5c6bb7f82a96c6a49d5cfa64463754fd5f0e5eb0581be

  • File size: 1,325,056 bytes
  • File location: C:Users[username]AppDataRoamingMozillaExtensionsr0FMFC42u.dll
  • Run method: Loaded and run by legitimate system file msinfo32.exe in the same directory
  • Note: Made persistent through start menu shortcut

SHA256 hash: 4d7d8d1790d494a1a29dae42810a3a10864f7c38148c3600c76491931c767c5c

  • File size: 1,297,920 bytes
  • File location: C:Users[username]AppDataRoamingThunderbirdProfiles1ovarfyl.default-releaseImapMail.outlook.comUw0NWHoOiVERSION.dll
  • Run method: Loaded and run by legitimate system file DWWIN.EXE in the same directory
  • Note: Made persistent through Windows registry update

URLs from Word macro to retrieve Dridex DLL installer:

  • hxxps://teworhfoundation[.]com/
  • hxxps://teworhfoundation[.]com/zd0pcc.rar
  • hxxps://thecandidtales[.]com/
  • hxxps://safaktasarim[.]com/7zcsfo.txt
  • hxxps://thecandidtales[.]com/wuom4a.rar

Certificate data for Dridex HTTPS traffic to 67.213.75[.]205 port 443:

  • id-at-countryName=HR
  • id-at-localityName=Zagreb
  • id-at-organizationName=Wageng Unltd.
  • id-at-organizationalUnitName=obendmma

Certificate data for Dridex HTTPS traffic to 54.39.34[.]26 port 453:

  • id-at-countryName=DE
  • id-at-stateOrProvinceName=Sheso thanthefo
  • id-at-localityName=Berlin
  • id-at-organizationName=Thedelor Tbrra SICAV
  • id-at-organizationalUnitName=5Coiesily Begtherdr istwarscon

Final words

After a period of inactivity, malspam pushing Dridex malware is back, so this blog post reviewed traffic and malware from an infected Windows host.  While not much has changed, it’s always good to have a refresher.

As usual, up-to-date Windows hosts with the latest security patches and users who follow best security practices are not likely to get infected with this malware.  However, I’ve seen so much come through in the past two or three days that even a small percentage of success will likely be profitable for the criminals behind it.

Brad Duncan
brad [at]

(c) SANS Internet Storm Center. Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License. Read More

The post Recent Dridex activity, (Thu, Sep 10th) appeared first on Malware Devil.

Network Security News Summary for Thursday September 10 2020

A brief daily summary of what is important in cybersecurity. The podcast is published every weekday and designed to get you ready for the day with a brief, usually about 5 minutes long, summary of current network security-related events. The content is late breaking, educational and based on listener input as well as on input received by the SANS Internet Storm Center. You may submit questions and comments via our contact form at .

The post Network Security News Summary for Thursday September 10 2020 appeared first on Malware Devil.

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