Malware Devil

Monday, April 5, 2021

How to Simplify and Secure On-Call Access Management

A New Approach to On-Call Access Management  Imagine the following scenario — an SRE gets alerted in the middle of the night about an incident …

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Active Content: What It Is & How It Becomes Malicious

Modern business processes rely on sharing information across the cloud. Your users are emailing documents and uploading files to shared drives as part of their jobs. Ensuring safe, secure, clean files is now mission-critical.  Employees know that they shouldn’t open attached files when they don’t know the person sending them, but phishing emails aren’t the…

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8 Steps For Securing Your Linux Server | Avast

Server security describes the software, tools, and processes used to protect a business’ server from unauthorized access and other cyberthreats. It is a key requirement for most system administrators and cybersecurity teams. 

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Are we witnessing a cyber pandemic?

COVID-19 triggered a global cyber pandemic. The past year will be remembered not only because of the health crisis but…

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Man in the Terminal


By using path hijacking and modification on Unix-like machines, we can achieve pseudo-keylogging functionality by prioritizing malicious middleware binaries to record and transfer standard input/output streams.



Historically speaking, keylogging for Unix-like systems has been a pain point. You compromise a jump box, gain access to some sensitive private keys, but they’re all password protected. You gain access to a developer’s MacBook workstation, see them reading secrets from a server like Hashicorp’s Vault from the command line, but realize you need a user’s plaintext password to pull those secrets. The initial instinct is to log the keystrokes of the user(s) on the compromised machines; however, in the first example, no keyboard device is connected, and to keylog in the latter would require a popup with authorization from the user to allow access to the keyboard.

This was the scenario I was in. I had access to a user’s MacBook, but was unable to keylog their activities stealthily. When I was thinking about this problem, I realized that keylogging was actually overly broad for my specific use-case. Keylogging would help gain access to plaintext credentials when the user interfaces with an application through a browser or otherwise, but if we’re looking to log, say, an SSH session, I don’t necessarily need access to the keyboard device. If I were to restate the problem, what I really want is the full standard input, output, and error streams of the applications the user is interfacing with.

Environmental PATH Variable

If you’re coming from a Windows background, you probably understand the PATH environment variable to be sensitive. Write-access to one or more paths in the variable can lead to opportunities for persistence, DLL hijacking, privilege escalation and otherwise. The PATH variable is also responsible for search order of applications, such that if the binary isn’t found in the first path, the next is searched, and so on until all paths are exhausted. In Unix, many of these same exploitation techniques can be applied, but specifically we’ll focus on the search order of applications.

The .rc File

When a shell is opened in a terminal, a hidden file is sourced on startup before dropping you into an interactive shell (sh uses .rc , bash uses .bashrc , zsh uses .zshrc , etc.). These files are responsible for a myriad of things, such as instantiating environment variables, creating command aliases, and more. It’s not abnormal to see these files modify a user’s PATH to include new directories for newly installed applications so they’re easily accessible from the command line. It’ll take one of two forms in the shell-specific .rc file:

  • export PATH=$PATH:/some/new/path
  • export PATH=/some/new/path:$PATH

By prepending a path to the PATH variable you’ll change the default search order of shell session. Say your PATH variable was /bin:/usr/sbin , and you prepend a new path such that your PATH is set to/some/new/path:/bin:/usr/sbin after sourcing your .rc file. Now, when you type ssh , the session will first search /some/new/path for the SSH binary, then /bin , where it’ll find the application and launch it.

Armed with this search order knowledge, we can exploit this in one of two ways:

  1. Place a binary of similar name in a writable path that’ll be searched before the genuine binary.
  2. Modify the .rc file to prepend a writable directory to the PATH variable and do the previous.

Application Proxy Middleware

With this PATH write primitive, the next natural question is “what do I put there?” A guiding principal I use in a lot of red teaming and tool development is that the deceit must be absolute, be it in C2 communication channels, parent/child process relationships, and in this case, malicious terminal applications. Since we’re hijacking familiar binaries the user launches from the command line, there’s a degree of scrutiny that’ll be applied to our application if it doesn’t function as the hijacked binary would.

Traditionally, attackers have downloaded the target binary’s source, backdoored the application, and recompiled it to get sensitive information from a user’s session. This process is slow, arduous, and not always possible depending on the type of application you’re attempting to hijack. We need a lighter weight, more transferrable way of arbitrary binary hijacking so that we don’t interfere with the user’s regular workflow. This is where the standard I/O streams come into play.

If our hijack binary is called first, we can call the absolute path of the intended binary and spawn a child process. This child process’s standard in can be piped from the parent process’s standard in, and that child’s standard output and error can be piped out to its parent’s standard output streams, such that there should be no visible difference in functionality between the hijack and hijacked binary. Since we sit in the middle of these output streams between the user and the child process, we can in turn log these streams for manual review later. This can be better illustrated by the following diagram:

Application Control Flow for Middleware

Thus, we can create a lightweight middleware binary for each application we wish to hijack so long as we know the true path of that application on disk. Moreover, once the user starts the hijack binary, you could send input to the genuine application after a session has been established without communicating the output of that command (think launching a reverse shell on the target server the user is attempting to SSH to). This is left as an exercise to the reader.

The following screenshots show the installation of the middleware in action. We first note the path variable that’s set in the .bashrc file, drop our proxy SSH binary to the user-controlled path, and then launch the fake SSH binary. After executing, we then review the log files generated by the proxy application.

Hijacking the SSH Binary
Reviewing Session Data Logs from SSH

One Step Further: Logon Shells

If you were to be elevated in on a Unix server, you can take this one step further by changing the user’s logon shell. Instead of hijacking individual commands like ssh, aws, etc., we can hijack the entire logon shell they use to interface with the terminal. You can do this by modifying the /etc/passwd file manually, or by using the chsh command as shown below:

Changing the Logon Shell to the Middleware

This can be particularly useful in AWS environments where you have access as the ec2-user. This user is usually added to the sudoers group by default, and as such could modify any user’s shell on that instance. Moreover, you could still use the path-relative hijacking technique shown previously using a shell application, as many binaries still call the path-relative shell as opposed to the absolute path of the shell (e.g., /bin/bash). An example of this is the source command, which calls the path-relative shell instead of the absolute path of the shell.


As red teamers, we get to practice the art of problem solving every day. The core problem set is often the same (e.g., “how do I get domain admin,”), but the ways in which we solve that problem are solely dependent on how you phrase the problem. By constantly rephrasing and restructuring your problem statement, the solution can often jump out and become apparent. That’s exactly what happened in this instance of attempting to log keystrokes on Linux and Mac machines. Keylogging was an overly broad problem, so we refined it. It’s less “how do I log keystrokes” and more “how do I get this application’s standard input?” The more precise we are with our problem statement, the easier it is to find a solution. Finding new bypasses and techniques don’t always need to be discovered. Sometimes all you need is to combine bits of disparate knowledge in a way you haven’t done before.


Man in the Terminal was originally published in Posts By SpecterOps Team Members on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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The Mission of Supporting Healthcare Providers Continues…

Along with many of my colleagues and Healthcare industry peers, I have been energized recently, as COVID cases ease and optimism takes root. After a six-month professional hiatus, I decided back in November 2020 to join Forescout and progress my longstanding mission to support Healthcare delivery organizations (HDOs). Joining Forescout has been a transformative move […]

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Certifications, Audits and Compliance Made Easy

Completing access certification audits was already challenging. Now, with remote work and an emerging set of new regulations, assessing users? rights is harder and higher-stakes than ever. But SecurID Governance and Lifecycle can simplify and expedite the process, reduce identity risk, and ensure compliance.

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Constella Intelligence Signs Onto the World Wide Web Foundation’s Initiative for a Better Internet

In support of a global action plan to ensure our online world is safe, empowering, and genuinely for everyone.

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The leap of a Cycldek-related threat actor


In the nebula of Chinese-speaking threat actors, it is quite common to see tools and methodologies being shared. One such example of this is the infamous “DLL side-loading triad”: a legitimate executable, a malicious DLL to be sideloaded by it, and an encoded payload, generally dropped from a self-extracting archive. Initially considered to be the signature of LuckyMouse, we observed other groups starting to use similar “triads” such as HoneyMyte. While it implies that it is not possible to attribute attacks based on this technique alone, it also follows that efficient detection of such triads reveals more and more malicious activity.

The investigation described in this article started with one such file which caught our attention due to the various improvements it brought to this well-known infection vector.

FoundCore Loader

This malware sample was discovered in the context of an attack against a high-profile organization located in Vietnam. From a high-level perspective, the infection chain follows the expected execution flow:

After being loaded by a legitimate component from Microsoft Outlook (FINDER.exe, MD5 9F1D6B2D45F1173215439BCC4B00B6E3), outlib.dll (MD5 F267B1D3B3E16BE366025B11176D2ECB) hijacks the intended execution flow of the program to decode and run a shellcode placed in a binary file, rdmin.src (MD5 DF46DA80909A6A641116CB90FA7B8258). Such shellcodes that we had seen so far, however, did not involve any form of obfuscation. So, it was a rather unpleasant surprise for us when we discovered the first instructions:

Experienced reverse-engineers will immediately recognize disassembler-desynchronizing constructs in the screenshot above. The conditional jumps placed at offsets 7 and 9 appear to land in the middle of an address (as evidenced by the label loc_B+1), which is highly atypical for well-behaved assembly code. Immediately after, we note the presence of a call instruction whose destination (highlighted in red) is identified as bogus by IDA Pro, and the code that follows doesn’t make any sense.

Explaining what is going on requires taking a step back and providing a bit of background about how disassemblers work. At the risk of oversimplifying, flow-oriented disassemblers make a number of assumptions when processing files. One of them is that, when they encounter a conditional jump, they start disassembling the “false” branch first, and come back to the “true” branch later on. This process is better evidenced by looking at the opcodes corresponding to the code displayed above, again starting from offset 7:

It is now more obvious that there are two ways to interpret the code above: the disassembler can either start from “E8”, or from “81” – by default, IDA will choose the latter: E8 is in fact the opcode for the call instruction. But astute readers will notice that “JLE” (jump if lower or equal) and “JG” (jump if greater) are opposite conditions: no matter what, one of those will always be true and as such the actual code, as seen by the CPU during the execution, will start with the byte “81”. Such constructs are called opaque predicates, and this E8 byte in the middle was only added there in order to trick the disassembler.

Defeating this trick is but a trivial matter for IDA Pro, as it is possible to manually correct the disassembling mistake. However, it was immediately obvious that the shellcode had been processed by an automated obfuscation tool. Opaque predicates, sometimes in multiples, and dead code were inserted between every single instruction of the program. In the end, cleaning up the program automatically was the only practical approach, and we did so by modifying an existing script for the FinSpy malware family created by the respected reverse-engineer Rolf Rolles.

This step allowed us to discover the shellcode’s purpose: to decrypt and decompress the final payload, using a combination of RC4 and LZNT1. Even then, it turned out that the attackers had more tricks up their sleeve. Normally, at this stage, one would have expected to find a PE file that the shellcode would load into memory. But instead, this is what we got:

The recovered file was indeed a PE, but it turned out that most of its headers had been scrubbed. In fact, even the scarce ones remaining contained incoherent values – for instance, here, a number of declared sections equal to 0xAD4D. Since it is the shellcode (and not the Windows loader) that prepares this file for execution, it doesn’t matter that some information, such as the magic numbers, is missing. As for the erroneous values, it turned out that the shellcode was fixing them on the fly using hardcoded operations:

for ( i = 0; ; ++i ) // Iterate on the sections
  // [...]
  // Stop when all sections have been read
  if ( i >= pe->pe_header_addr->FileHeader.NumberOfSections - 44361 )
  // [...]

For instance, in the decompiled code above (as for all references to the file’s number of sections) the value read in the headers is subtracted by 44361. For the attackers, the advantage is two-fold. First, it makes acquiring the final payload statically a lot more difficult for potential reverse-engineers. Second, it also ensures that the various components of the toolchain remain tightly coupled to each other. If only a single one of them finds itself uploaded to a multi-scanner website, it will be unexploitable for defenders. This is a design philosophy that we had observed from the LuckyMouse APT in the past, and is manifest in other parts of this toolchain too, as we will see later on. Eventually, we were able to reconstruct the file’s headers and move on with our analysis – but we found this loader so interesting from an educational standpoint that we decided to base one track of our online reverse-engineering course on it. For more detailed steps on how we approached this sample, please have a look at Targeted Malware Reverse Engineering.

FoundCore payload

The final payload is a remote administration tool that provides full control over the victim machine to its operators. Upon execution, this malware starts 4 threads:

  • The first one establishes persistence by creating a service.
  • The second one sets inconspicuous information for the service by changing its “Description”, “ImagePath”, “DisplayName” fields (among others).
  • The third sets an empty DACL (corresponding to the SDDL string “D:P”) to the image associated to the current process in order to prevent access to the underlying malicious file.
  • Finally, a worker thread bootstraps execution and establishes connection with the C2 server. Depending on its configuration, it may also inject a copy of itself to another process.

Communications with the server can take place either over raw TCP sockets encrypted with RC4, or via HTTPS. Commands supported by FoundCore include filesystem manipulation, process manipulation, screenshot captures and arbitrary command execution.

RoyalRoad documents, DropPhone and CoreLoader

Taking a step back from the FoundCore malware family, we looked into the various victims we were able to identify to try to gather information about the infection process. In the vast majority of the incidents we discovered, it turned out that FoundCore executions were preceded by the opening of a malicious RTF documents downloaded from static.phongay[.]com. They all were generated using RoyalRoad and attempt to exploit CVE-2018-0802.

Interestingly, while we would have expected them to contain decoy content, all of them were blank. We, therefore, hypothesize the existence of precursor documents, possibly delivered through spear-phishing, or precursor infections, which would trigger the download of one of these RTF files.

Successful exploitation leads to the deployment of yet another malware that we named DropPhone:

MD5 6E36369BF89916ABA49ECA3AF59D38C6
SHA1 C477B50AE66E7228164930117A7D36C53713A5F2
SHA256 F50AE4B25B891E95B57BD4391AEB629437A43664034630D593EB9846CADC9266
Creation time 2020-11-04 09:14:22
File type PE32 executable (DLL) (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
File size 56 KB

This C++ implant also comes in the form of a legitimate executable (DeElevate.exe, from the publisher StarDock) and a side-loaded DLL (DeElevator.dll). At this stage, we are left with more questions than answers when it comes to it. DropPhone fetches a file saved as data.dat from hxxps://cloud.cutepaty[.]com, but we were unable to obtain a copy of this file so far. Next, it expects to find a companion program in %AppData%MicrosoftInstallerssdclt.exe, and will eventually terminate execution if it cannot find it.

Our hypothesis is that this last file could be an instance or variant of CoreLoader (which we will describe in a minute), but the only piece of data supporting this theory that we have at our disposal is that we found CoreLoader in this folder in a single occurrence.

DropPhone launches sdclt.exe, then collects environment information from the victim machine and sends it to DropBox. The last thing this implant does is delete data.dat without ever accessing its contents. We speculate that they are consumed by sdclt.exe, and that this is another way to lock together the execution of two components, frustrating the efforts of the reverse-engineers who are missing pieces of the puzzle – as is our case here.

MD5 1234A7AACAE14BDD94EEE6F44F7F4356
SHA1 34977E351C9D0E9155C6E016669A4F085B462762
SHA256 492D3B5BEB89C1ABF88FF866D200568E9CAD7BB299700AA29AB9004C32C7C805
Creation time 2020-11-21 03:47:14
File type PE32 executable (DLL) (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
File size 66 KB

Finally, CoreLoader, the last malware we found associated to this set of activity, is a simple shellcode loader which performs anti-analysis and loads additional code from a file named WsmRes.xsl. Again, this specific file eluded our attempts to catch it but we suspect it to be, one way or another, related to FoundCore (described in the previous section).

Overall, our current understanding of this complex toolchain is as follows. Dashed lines represent the components and links we are inferring, striped boxes represent the files we could not acquire.

Victimology and attribution

We observed this campaign between June 2020 and January 2021. According to our telemetry, dozens of organizations were affected. 80% of them are based in Vietnam and belong to the government or military sector, or are otherwise related to the health, diplomacy, education or political verticals. We also identified occasional targets in Central Asia and in Thailand.

For the reasons laid-out in the introduction, attribution based on tooling alone is risky when it comes to this nebula. At first glance, the use of a “triad”, the general design philosophy and the obvious effort spent to make reverse-engineering as complex as possible are reminiscent of LuckyMouse. However, we also observed code similarities between CoreLoader or FoundCore and programs associated with the Cycldek threat actor – namely, RedCore Loader (MD5: 1B6BCBB38921CAF347DF0A21955771A6).

While Cycldek was, so far, considered to be one of the lesser sophisticated threat actors from the Chinese-speaking nexus, its targeting is known to be consistent with what we observed in this campaign. Therefore, we are linking the activities described in this post with Cycldek with low confidence.


No matter which group orchestrated this campaign, it constitutes a significant step up in terms of sophistication. The toolchain presented here was willfully split into a series of interdependent components that function together as a whole. Single pieces are difficult – sometimes impossible – to analyze in isolation, because they rely on code or data provided at other stages of the infection chain. We regretfully admit that this strategy was partly successful in preventing us from obtaining a complete picture of this campaign. As such, this report is as much about the things we know as it is about figuring out what we don’t. We hereby extend our hand to fellow researchers who might be seeing other pieces of this vast puzzle, because we strongly believe that the challenges ahead of us can only be overcome through information sharing among trusted industry partners.

Some readers from other regions of the world might dismiss this local activity as irrelevant to their interests. We would advise them to take heed. Experience shows that regional threat actors sometimes widen their area of activity as their operational capabilities increase, and that tactics or tools are vastly shared across distinct actors or intrusion-sets that target different regions. Today, we see a group focused on South-East Asia taking a major leap forward. Tomorrow, they may decide they’re ready to take on the whole world.

Indicators of Compromise

File Hashes

F267B1D3B3E16BE366025B11176D2ECB FoundCore malicious DLL (outllib.dll)
DF46DA80909A6A641116CB90FA7B8258 FoundCore companion file (rdmin.src)
6E36369BF89916ABA49ECA3AF59D38C6 DropPhone
60095B281E32DAD2B58A10005128B1C3 Malicious RTF document
1234A7AACAE14BDD94EEE6F44F7F4356 CoreLoader


phong.giaitrinuoc[.]com FoundCore C2
cloud.cutepaty[.]com DropPhone C2
static.phongay[.]com RTF document stager

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Securing Dev Environments is Security Leaders’ Top Concern

CI/CD pipeline dev environment Linux

Today, CI/CD pipelines form the backbone of modern DevOps operations. Over the past few years, the software development industry has pivoted to a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) process that offers application developers a faster and more automated way to develop, build, test and deploy new software. But these improvements come at a cost..

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Best of Episode: Interview with Rachel Tobac

This week is a best of episode with special guest Rachel Tobac, CEO of Social Proof Security. In this episode we discuss social engineering, how to get more women in cybersecurity, and of course Rachel’s favorite David Lynch movies. This is one previous episode you don’t want to miss! ** Links mentioned on the show […]

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Black Kingdom Ransomware Jumps on the Exchange Express

ProxyLogon Black Kingdom Egregor

When Microsoft announced that it discovered a state-sponsored threat group, Hafnium, was exploiting four separate zero-day vulnerabilities, the InfoSec community was already looking into their crystal ball to predict when other groups and cybercriminals were going to try the same exploitation method. They did not have to wait long. Despite a record number of organizations..

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Network Monitoring: The Forgotten Cybersecurity Tool

network security

In a cyber world filled with SIEMs, security appliances and anti-malware products, one would think that the specter of cybersecurity would be well under control. However, attacks are still on the rise, zero-day vulnerabilities are increasing and cybercriminals are always finding new ways to attack.  “When dealing with previously unseen attacks, it is important to..

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One-Third of Organizations Take No Action After Detecting a Cyber Attack

ZDNet recently wrote about some new statistics from the annual Cyber Security Breaches Survey from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), including the surprising statistic that 1/3 of organizations take no action after a cyber attack.

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ISC Stormcast For Monday, April 5th, 2021, (Mon, Apr 5th)

(c) SANS Internet Storm Center. Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License. Read More

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Sunday, April 4, 2021

Network Security News Summary for Monday April 5th, 2021

Sandbox vs. Real Screenshots; FortiOS Exploitation; GitHub Coin Mining; Facebook Leak

C2 Activity: Sandboxes or Real Victims

Exploitation of Fortinet FortiOS Vulnerabilities

GitHub Actions Used to Mine Crypto

Large Facebook Leak

keywords: facebook; github; fortios; fortinet; sandboxes

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YARA and CyberChef: ZIP, (Sun, Apr 4th)

When processing the result of “unzip” in CyberChef, for example with YARA rules, all files contained inside the ZIP file, are concatenated together.

This is not a problem when dealing with a single file inside a ZIP container. But it can be for multiple files. If you want to know more, I recorded a video with more details:

Didier Stevens
Senior handler
Microsoft MVP

(c) SANS Internet Storm Center. Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License. Read More

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Ubiquiti All But Confirms Breach Response Iniquity

For four days this past week, Internet-of-Things giant Ubiquiti failed to respond to requests for comment on a whistleblower’s allegations that the company had massively downplayed a “catastrophic” two-month breach ending in January to save its stock price, and that Ubiquiti’s insinuation that a third-party was to blame was a fabrication. I was happy to add their eventual public response to the top of Tuesday’s story on the whistleblower’s claims, but their statement deserves a post of its own because it actually confirms and reinforces those claims.

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Ubiquiti All But Confirms Breach Response Iniquity

For four days this past week, Internet-of-Things giant Ubiquiti did not respond to requests for comment on a whistleblower’s allegations the company had massively downplayed a “catastrophic” two-month breach ending in January to save its stock price, and that Ubiquiti’s insinuation that a third-party was to blame was a fabrication. I was happy to add their eventual public response to the top of Tuesday’s story on the whistleblower’s claims, but their statement deserves a post of its own because it actually confirms and reinforces those claims.

Ubiquiti’s IoT gear includes things like WiFi routers, security cameras, and network video recorders. Their products have long been popular with security nerds and DIY types because they make it easy for users to build their own internal IoT networks without spending many thousands of dollars.

But some of that shine started to come off recently for Ubiquiti’s more security-conscious customers after the company began pushing everyone to use a unified authentication and access solution that makes it difficult to administer these devices without first authenticating to Ubiquiti’s cloud infrastructure.

All of a sudden, local-only networks were being connected to Ubiquiti’s cloud, giving rise to countless discussion threads on Ubiquiti’s user forums from customers upset over the potential for introducing new security risks.

And on Jan. 11, Ubiquiti gave weight to that angst: It told customers to reset their passwords and enable multifactor authentication, saying a breach involving a third-party cloud provider might have exposed user account data. Ubiquiti told customers they were “not currently aware of evidence of access to any databases that host user data, but we cannot be certain that user data has not been exposed.”

Ubiquiti’s notice on Jan. 12, 2021.

On Tuesday, KrebsOnSecurity reported that a source who participated in the response to the breach said Ubiquiti should have immediately invalidated all credentials because all of the company’s key administrator passwords had been compromised as well. The whistleblower also said Ubiquiti never kept any logs of who was accessing its databases.

The whistleblower, “Adam,” spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals from Ubiquiti. Adam said the place where those key administrator credentials were compromised — Ubiquiti’s presence on Amazon’s Web Services (AWS) cloud services — was in fact the “third party” blamed for the hack.

From Tuesday’s piece:

“In reality, Adam said, the attackers had gained administrative access to Ubiquiti’s servers at Amazon’s cloud service, which secures the underlying server hardware and software but requires the cloud tenant (client) to secure access to any data stored there.

“They were able to get cryptographic secrets for single sign-on cookies and remote access, full source code control contents, and signing keys exfiltration,” Adam said.

Adam says the attacker(s) had access to privileged credentials that were previously stored in the LastPass account of a Ubiquiti IT employee, and gained root administrator access to all Ubiquiti AWS accounts, including all S3 data buckets, all application logs, all databases, all user database credentials, and secrets required to forge single sign-on (SSO) cookies.

Such access could have allowed the intruders to remotely authenticate to countless Ubiquiti cloud-based devices around the world. According to its website, Ubiquiti has shipped more than 85 million devices that play a key role in networking infrastructure in over 200 countries and territories worldwide.

Ubiquiti finally responded on Mar. 31, in a post signed “Team UI” on the company’s community forum online.

“Nothing has changed with respect to our analysis of customer data and the security of our products since our notification on January 11. In response to this incident, we leveraged external incident response experts to conduct a thorough investigation to ensure the attacker was locked out of our systems.”

“These experts identified no evidence that customer information was accessed, or even targeted. The attacker, who unsuccessfully attempted to extort the company by threatening to release stolen source code and specific IT credentials, never claimed to have accessed any customer information. This, along with other evidence, is why we believe that customer data was not the target of, or otherwise accessed in connection with, the incident.”

Ubiquiti’s response this week on its user forum.

Ubiquiti also hinted it had an idea of who was behind the attack, saying it has “well-developed evidence that the perpetrator is an individual with intricate knowledge of our cloud infrastructure. As we are cooperating with law enforcement in an ongoing investigation, we cannot comment further.”

Ubiquiti’s statement largely confirmed the reporting here by not disputing any of the facts raised in the piece. And while it may seem that Ubiquiti is quibbling over whether data was in fact stolen, Adam said Ubiquiti can say there is no evidence that customer information was accessed because Ubiquiti failed to keep logs of who was accessing its databases.

“Ubiquiti had negligent logging (no access logging on databases) so it was unable to prove or disprove what they accessed, but the attacker targeted the credentials to the databases, and created Linux instances with networking connectivity to said databases,” Adam wrote in a whistleblower letter to European privacy regulators last month. “Legal overrode the repeated requests to force rotation of all customer credentials, and to revert any device access permission changes within the relevant period.”

It appears investors noticed the incongruity as well. Ubiquiti’s share price hardly blinked at the January breach disclosure. On the contrary, from Jan. 13 to Tuesday’s story its stock had soared from $243 to $370. By the end of trading day Mar. 30, UI had slipped to $349. By close of trading on Thursday (markets were closed Friday) the stock had fallen to $289.

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The post Ubiquiti All But Confirms Breach Response Iniquity appeared first on Malware Devil.

CERIAS – Caroline Wong’s ‘Security Industry Context’

Many thanks to CERIAS Purdue University for publishing their outstanding videos on the organization’s YouTube channel. Enjoy and Be Educated Simultaneously!


The post CERIAS – Caroline Wong’s ‘Security Industry Context’ appeared first on Security Boulevard.

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The post CERIAS – Caroline Wong’s ‘Security Industry Context’ appeared first on Malware Devil.

Barbary Pirates and Russian Cybercrime

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